Rock Around The Clock
…..Tom Green
…..Will Ferrell
(Fade in from commercial bumper to Tom standing on home base by a grandfather clock)
Tom: (to somebody off camera) Probably. Oh are we on the air? Right now?
(cues SNL Band to start playing a tune similar to “Rock Around the Clock”)
(a lighted sign that says ROCK drops from the ceiling)
Tom: (singing)
“Oh when the clock strikes one, two, and three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”
(Will Ferell enters and sings along)
Tom & Will:
“We’re gonna rock around the clock tonight
We’re gonna rock rock rock till broad daylight
We’re gonna rock gonna rock around the clock (tonight) the clock
Oh the clock strikes four, five, and seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.”
(they start circling the clock)
Tom & Will:
“We’re gonna rock around the clock tonight
We’re gonna rock gonna rock around the clock tonight.”
Tom: Everyone stand up!!!
(JUMP sign comes down)
Tom & Will: (still singing) “We’re gonna jump, jump, jump!”
Tom: Everybody jump!!!
Tom & Will:
“We’re gonna jump jump jump around the clock
Gonna jump, jump, jump, jumpy jump around the clock tonight
Jump, Jump.”
(Tom falls onto the clock)
Will Ferrell: “Jump and rock and jump!!!”
(Tom starts destroying the clock)
Will Ferrell: “And jump and rock and rock and jump.”
(Will starts jumping on the clock)
Will Ferrell: “Jump jump!!!!”
(Tom picks up the face of the clock)
Tom: (to SNL Band) Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop Jumping!
(fade to SNL bumper of Tom waving in front of a graffitied wall)
Tom V/O: We broke the clock!
Thanks to Anders Samuelson for this transcript!