…..Tom Green
(open on everybody in formal wear)
Tom Green: Ok. This is the end of the show, uh, where I get married. Here we go.
(SNL band starts playing Here Comes the Bride)
Thanks for sticking around. Come on out, Drew.
(Drew doesn’t appear)
So exciting.
(Ana and Molly appear as Drew’s bridesmaids but, Drew does not appear)
(Molly whispers something to Tom)
Tom Green: She’s coming, right? She’s coming? (shouting) Drew! Drew! Don’t go!
(cast and guest exit the stage)
Drew! Don’t go, guys! Drew, I love you!
(credits start to roll) I thought you loved me! Where are you? Where is she? Don’t go guys!
(stage crew start to dismantle the wedding set)
Tom: (to crew member) Don’t take the arch! She said she is coming! Don’t take the arch! (fights the crew for the arch) She’ll be here! Don’t take the arch! Drew, where are you? Where is she? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to Anders Samuelson for this transcript!