Air Date:
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Special Guests:
December 1st, 2001
Derek Jeter
Bubba Sparxxx
David Wells
David Cone
John Ashcroft lists signs that someone might be a terrorist.
Recurring Characters: John Ashcroft, President George W. Bush.
Jeter injures audience members by hitting baseballs into the studio.
(Repeat) See: 09/29/01.
Older, uglier Iglesius brother (Jeter) joins in on album.
Wives of Yankee ballplayers gab in the stands.
Jeter is too tense to enjoy session with masseuse (Chris Kattan).
Dogs learn who’s master of the house with new video help series.
During off-season, Jeter sells tacos.
Jeter helps family’s son (Chris Kattan) play better baseball through violence.
Jeter in Point/Counterpoint with Red Sox fan Seth Meyers.
Taliban wants the $25 million for Osama bin Laden’s (Will Ferrell) head.
Everyone laughs at Glen’s (Jeter) outdated, unstylish perm.
Horatio Sanz, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Kattan, Tracy Morgan update Christmas ditty.
Author acknowledges bizarre breeding for reproductive purposes.