Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 28: Episode 2
02b: Sarah Michelle Gellar / Faith Hill
Swiffer Sleepers
Mommy…..Amy Poehler
[ young kids are jumping on the sofa, Mommy watching them rom the kitchen counter in background ]Mommy: Kids, time to put on your jammies.
Little Girl: [ looks up ] What?
Mommy: I mean.. [ takes package out of grocery bag ] ..your Swiffer Sleepers!
Kids: Yay!!
Announcer: Who says sweeping floors can’t be fun?
Mommy: [ opens dustcloth package, which takes the shape of pajamas ] Are you guys ready?
Kids: [ jumping up and down in an excited hyper manner ] Yea-ea-ea-ea!!!
[ show kids being pushed about the floor on the ends of dust sticks ]Jingle:
“A jumping and a sliding
On the floor you’re riding
Here comes Swiffer Sleepers!”
Announcer: Swiffer Sleepers, the crawl-around, roll-around, dust picker-upper.
Mommy: [ looking up at the ceiling as she sweeps ] Emily?
[ show Little Girl on end of dust stick being used to clean the ceiling ]Little Girl: Yay!!
“A moppin’ and a wheezin’
A cleanin’ and a sneezin’
Here comes Swiffer Sleepers!”
Announcer: This is your ticket to slide!
[ Mommy picks a dust particle out of Little Girl’s hair, as Little Boy laughs ]Announcer: Swiffer Sleepers, makes cleaning floors a family affair.
Jingle: Here comes Swiffer Sleepers!”
Female Announcer: Not recommended for children with allergies.