Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 28: Episode 3
02c: Sen. John McCain / The White Stripes
McCain Sings Streisand
…..Sen. John McCain
Announcer: He has served his country in the military.. the Congress.. and the Senate. Now, he serves America – with song:
Sen. John McCain: [ singing ]
“Love, soft as an easy chair
Love, fresh as the morning airrr..”
Announcer: Sen. John McCain sings some of the most beautiful songs ever written:
Sen. John McCain: [ singing ]
“People, people who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world.”
Announcer: All these songs and more, available on: McCain Sings Streisand.
[ show slide of CD, complete with cover photo of McCain wearing a Superman t-shirt ]
Sen. John McCain: Ive been in politics for over 20 years. And for over 20 years, Ive had Barbera Streisand trying to do my job. So I decided to try my hand at her job. Check out this classic:
“Memories, light the corners of my mind
Misty water-colored memories, of the way we were.”
Do I know how to sing? About as well as she knows how to govern America! Here’s another gem for ya:
“Papa, can you hear me?
Papa, can you see-ee-ee me-ee?”
Pretty annoying, huh? Now you know how I feel! My new CD is a must for all of Barbra Streisand’s fans, as well as log-cabin Republicans. And a special added bonus, just for Babs – a portion of all sales will be used to damage Alaskan wildlife preserves. So, order today!
“Nobody, but nobody’s gonna rain on myyyyyy parade!”
[ fade ]