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Special Guests:
March 15th, 2003
Salma Hayek
Christina Aguilera
Edward Norton
President George W. Bush (Chris Parnell) takes questions from magazines.
Recurring Characters: President George W. Bush.
Chris Kattan and back-up 80’s band sing “We Belong” to Hayek.
William’s (Seth Meyers) Mexican girlfriend (Hayek) clashes with show.
Recurring Characters: Patrick Fitzwilliams, William Fitzpatrick.
Classic cartoon characters compete on “Are You Hot?”
Versace (Maya Rudolph) dishes on Oscar fashion diasters.
Recurring Characters: Donatella Versace, Michael Jackson.
Hiding in box, husband (Will Forte) catches wife (Hayek) with lover (Jimmy Fallon).
Hayek lambastes “Chicago” for plaigerizing the Broadway musical.
Ferecito (Fred Armisen) & wife (Hayek) practice their new comedy routine.
Aril Lavigne (Amy Poehler) makes her punk presence known during visit.
Gollum (Chris Kattan) makes his own unique Oscar picks.
Jimmy Fallon sings Top 40-inspired St. Patrick’s Day songs.
Sexy teacher (Hayek) helps adult students become bolder with their presence.
Recurring Characters: Gabe Fisher, Ruth Weinstock, A.J., Vasquez Gomez-Vasquez.
Hayek lambastes “Chicago” for supporting terrorism.
Downstairs couple (Hayek, Tracy Morgan) deal with King Kong’s dong.
“Chicago” defends itself, but Hayek spreads slander further.