Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 29: Episode 18]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
May 1st, 2004
Lindsay Lohan
Ludacris 9/11 BriefingSummary: Vice-President Dick Cheney (Darrell Hammond) briefs President George W. Bush (Will Forte) on the 9/11 hearings.
Recurring Characters: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney.
Lindsay Lohan’s MonologueSummary: Lindsay Lohan apologizes to Hillary Duff (Rachel Dratch), who apologizes to Avril Lavigne (Amy Poehler), who apologizes to Whitney Houston (Maya Rudolph), who doesn’t apologize to Chris Parnell.
Recurring Characters: Avril Lavigne, Whitney Houston.
Bio: Teen actress Lindsay Lohan (1986-) stars in the film “Mean Girls”, written by Tina Fey.
Also Hosted: 04t, 05p.
Turlington’s Lower Back Tattoo RemoverSummary: Dr. Edward Turlington’s (Chris Parnell) lotion erases Mom’s (Amy Poehler) youthful attempts at coolness.
Jarret’s RoomSummary: Forced to move out of their dorm room, Jarret (Jimmy Fallon) and Goby (Horatio Sanz) welcome the new student (Lindsay Lohan) who’s moving in.
Recurring Characters: Jarret, Goby, DJ Jonathan Feinstein.
Hogwart’s AcademySummary: Hermione’s (Lindsay Lohan) summer growth spurt rages pre-wizard hormones among her classmates.
Recurring Characters: Harry Potter.
Billy JoelSummary: Drunken Billy Joel (Horatio Sanz) drives teenage girls (Lindsay Lohan, Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Rachel Dratch) to Russell Simmons’ party.
Note: Of the objects thrown at the windshield to make it look like Billy Joel is driving into them, a mailbox lands firmly on the hood and remains in place until Horatio Sanz reaches out of the window to knock it off with a wine bottle.
Usher, with Ludacris, performs “Yeah”Bio: Usher (1978-) began his singing career in the church choir in Atlanta, Georgia prior to becoming a popular R&B performer and actor.
Weekend Update with Jimmy Fallon & Tina FeySummary: G.E.D. candidate Jorge Rodriguez (Horatio Sanz) tells his personal story of triumph.
Recurring Characters: Jorge Rodriguez.
Debbie DownerSummary: Debbie Downer (Rachel Dratch) cracks up while focusing on the bad side of life.
Recurring Characters: Debbie Downer.
Club TraxxSummary: Pretend lesbian group D.A.D.I. (Lindsay Lohan, Rachel Dratch) performs in the studio.
Recurring Characters: Beertje van Beers, Leonard.
The SleepoverSummary: Kaitlin (Amy Poehler) invites the most popular girl (Lindsay Lohan) at school over for a sleepover.
Recurring Characters: Kaitlin, Rick.
Note: This sketch was cut from the previous episode hosted by Janet Jackson.
Usher performs “Burn”
17th Annual Adult Movie AwardsSummary: Due to the sensitive nature of the broadcast, the awards show is cut short.
Note: This sketch was cut from the dress rehearsals of the episodes hosted by Colin Firth and Ben Affleck.
Dress Rehearsal Cuts
CheerleadersSummary: The head cheerleader (Amy Poehler) gets stuck in the clouds after a powerful boost.
The BathtubSummary: A conversation between family members takes place exclusively in the bathtub.
“The Adventures Of Harold”Summary: T. Sean Shannon film follows the adventures of a 12-year old bald boy at school.
Note: This film appears on the season finale episode hosted by Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen.
Spy GlassSummary: Teen correspondent (Lindsay Lohan) gabs celebrity gossip with Ian Gerrard (Seth Meyers) and Zoe Anderton (Amy Poehler).
Recurring Characters: Ian Gerrard, Zoe Anderton, Gene Shalit.