Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 30: Episode 12
04l: Jason Bateman / Kelly Clarkson
An Important Moment in Black History II
Boss…..Chris Parnell
Kenny Wilkins…..Finesse Mitchell
[ open on History Channel logo ]
Announcer: And now, The History Channel presents [ over SUPER ] another “An Important Moment in Black History.”
[ dissolve to an office setting in 1985, Kenny Wilkins being interviewed by his potenial boss ]
Announcer: The year was 1985.
Boss: So, everything looks great. you can start on Monday.
Kenny Wilkins: Thank you.
Boss: You just, uh, need to sign here, if you want Direct Deposit.
Kenny Wilkins: What’s that?
Boss: Your paycheck will be deposited immediately into your account, so you don’t have to bother making a trip to the bank.
Kenny Wilkins: So, I don’t get a check?
Boss: Oh, you get it. It just goes directly to your bank.
Kenny Wilkins: But how do I cash it?
Boss: You don’t. It just goes into your account.
Kenny Wilkins: How do I know that?
Boss: Well, I’m sure your bank will send you monthly statements.
Kenny Wilkins: Okay.
Boss: So, you want to enroll?
Kenny Wilkins: Let me think about it. [ an extended beat ] Hell, no!
[ scene freezes, as the Announcer’s words scroll up ]
Announcer: The History Channel honors Kenny Wilkins, the first black man to say “No” to Direct Deposit.
[ dissolve to title card ]
Announcer: This has been an Important Moment in Black History.
[ fade ]