Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 31: Episode 2
05b: Jon Heder / Ashlee Simpson
Operator Date
Gary…..Jon Heder
Julie…..Rachel Dratch
Waiter…..Bill Hader
[ open on interior, coffee shop. Julie sits alone at table as Gary approaches. ]
Gary: Hi, I’m Gary. You must be Julie.
Julie: [ in a monotone voice ] Hi, I’m Julie.
Gary: [ sits ] Nice to finally meet you. I haven’t been on a blind date in a while. So, Doug told me you work in Customer Service?
Julie: That’s right. I do the voice recordings for companies such as United Airlines, Blue Cross and Amtrak.
Gary: Wow, Amtrak. Well, then I guess I have talked to you before.
Julie: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that.
Gary: Oh. [ awkward beat ] Nothing. Stupid joke.
[ Waiter approaches ]
Waiter: Hi. Can I get you something to drink?
Gary: Um.. what do you think, Julie? A latte or a cappuccino, or something?
Julie: Did you say latte or cappuccino?
Gary: Uh.. well, I said both. Do you want a latte or cappuccino?
Julie: My mistake. Cappuccino would be great.
Gary: Two, please.
[ Waiter retreats ]
Julie: Gary, before we go any further, let me get some information.
Gary: Sure.
Julie: Please say your age.
Gary: Oh, yeah! I get that a lot. I know I look young, but I’m actually 29.
Julie: I think you said 19. Did I get that right?
Gary: No, 29.
Julie: I think you said 9. Did I get that right?
Gary: No. Wow. 29.
Julie: Okay. Got it. Sorry. It’s pretty loud in here.
[ Waiter returns with the cappuccinos ]
Waiter: Here you guys go.
Julie: Mmm. Yum.
[ Waiter retreats ]
Gary: You know, um.. Doug didn’t tell me you were so cute.
Julie: You’re not so bad yourself, Gary.
Gary: Would you, uh, like to, maybe want to go see a movie tonight?
Julie: I’d like that. Let me check the movie listings. What movie would you like to see?
Gary: Have you seen “Flight Plan?”
Julie: Let me look that up for you. One second, please. [ holds up a newspaper ] Here it is: “Flight Plan” is playing at 7:15.. 8:45.. 10:00.. and 11:15.
Gary: Uh.. let’s do 7:15.
Julie: Okay. This is a great date.
Gary: It really is. Julie, you know, I’m kind of shy —
Julie: Got it.
Gary: Uh.. since my last relationship —
Julie: Got it.
Gary: — I haven’t been able to ask anyone out —
Julie: Got it.
Gary: That’s why Doug —
Julie: Got it.
Gary: — had to do it for me.
Julie: Got it.
Gary: Anyway, I just feel really lucky to have met you.
Julie: That’s so sweet. Please say that again.
Gary: I feel real lucky to have met you.
Julie: Thank you.
Gary: So, should we go to the movie?
Julie: Let me see If I have this correct: I think you said you wanted to go.. back to my place. Did I get that right?
Gary: Yes, you sure did.
Julie: Okay. Got it.
[ they exit the coffee shop ]
[ fade ]
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