Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 31: Episode 4
05d: Lance Armstrong / Sheryl Crow
Weekend Update with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
…..Tina Fey
Harriet Miers…..Rachel Dratch
Voice of President George W. Bush…..Will Forte
…..Finesse Mitchell
…..Scott Podsednik
Mrs. Butterworth…..Kenan Thompson
Announcer: From Studio 8H in Rockefeller Center, its WeekendUpdate, with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler!
[cheers and applause]
Amy Poehler: Hi, Im Amy Poehler.
Tina Fey: Im Tina Fey, and here are tonights top stories:
Yesterday, Dick Cheneys chief of staff, Scooter Libby, was indicted onfive felony counts, ranging from perjury to obstruction of justice, inthe Valerie Plame leak case. For more on this story, ask Scooter! Apparently that mo-fo will tell you anything!
If convicted, Libby could face the following penalties: obstruction ofjusticeten years in prison, making false statementsfive years,perjuryfive years, going to jail with the name Scooterpriceless.
The indictments against Scooter Libby were announced at a pressconference Friday by special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. Trim,soft-spoken, manly Patrick Fitzgerald. His clear, steady voice,piercing blue eyes, and unimpeachable integrity restoring my faith inAmerica, and making me feel like doing things I have never donebefore! I love you, Patrick Fitzgerald, because you dont lie to me. I love you.
Amy Poehler: [picture of Harriet Miers] Shocking many onThursday, the Religious Right participated in a second-term abortion.[applause]
Now that shes no longer a nominee for the Supreme Court, Harriet Mierswill continue as President Bushs counsel, and oversee the selection ofa new nominee. Reportedly, she already has a candidate in mind:Shmarriet Shmiers. [Harriet with a Groucho Marx mask, complete withlarge eyebrows]
Tina Fey: Here to explain her decision to withdraw her nomination is Harriet Miers.
[pan to Harriet, who holds a glass of red wine; applause]
Harriet Miers: Thank you, Tina. I decided this week thatproceeding with my nomination would be too much of a burden on thisadministration. So I pulled it. And you know what? I feel reallygood about it. [takes a sip from the glass]
Tina Fey: Great! Now Harriet, you had been in charge of pickingpotential nominees, so were you surprised when President Bush chose you?
Harriet Miers: Tina, Ive been waiting so long for thatday when he would call me, when Bushie finally offerd me the nomination. I just felt like,
Sometimes the snow comes down in June,
Sometimes the sun goes round the mooooonn–
Tina Fey: OK, Harriet, Harriet, dont- dont sing any more ofthat or well, uh, well have to pay for it.
Harriet Miers: [raising her hand] Okey-dokey. [lowers her hand,spilling some of the wine from the glass] Oops.
You know, at first I didnt want to take the nomination, because Ithought itd ruin the friendship. [another sip from the glass]
Tina Fey: Sure. Right.
Harriet Miers: And frankly, I felt like I was extremely unqualified!
Tina Fey: Well sure, because youve never been a judge, andyoure not a Constitutional scholar or anything, I mean
Harriet Miers: But then I thought, you know what? Wait a second. A man wouldnt second guess himself like this! I mean, Donald Rumsfeld never says, Hey! I cant be Secretary of Defense! Ive never even served in the Army! Right? Porter Goss doesnt say, I cant run the CIA! I dont have any intelligence experience! [some applause] And Mike Brown didnt say, Hey, I cant run FEMA! Im the head of the Arabian Horse Society, for petes sake! [cheers and applause; Harriet drinks some more]
I mean, were ALL unqualified! Why am I the only one who has toadmit it?
Tina Fey: Thats right, Harriet. Now Harriet, what[Harriet pays no attention to Tina, drinking her wine and staring off into space] Merlot?
Harriet Miers: Mmm, yeah.
Tina Fey: What do you say to Far Right Republicans who felt thatyou werent conservative enough for the high court?
Harriet Miers: Oh Tina, religious views should have nothing to do with judicial views. [lets out a loud belch, nearly breaking character as Tina pats her on the back]
But Roe v. Wade is a constant problem within the Republican Party. Imean, on one hand, [grabbing Tinas hand and slamming it on the desk]you have the Evangelicals who want to overturn Roe v. Wade forever,right? And then on the other hand, [lifting Tinas hand and slamming it to the desk a second time] you have wealthy fiscal conservatives whoneed lots of safe, legal abortions for their slutty teenagedaughters! [drinks some more]
Tina Fey: Oh alright, Harriet, thats enough wine. OK.
Harriet Miers: Alright, hold on one second. [reaches for her cell phone]
Tina Fey: Who are you calling?
Harriet Miers: Mr. President! [laughs] Oh wait, its ringing.
Tina Fey: Uh, I dont think its a good idea to drunk-dial thepresident.
Harriet Miers: I- Ive known this guy for twenty years. Ive got plenty of two A.M. calls from him saying, Guess where I am! Guesswhere I am! [phone rings]
President George W. Bush V/O: You have reached the White House. You know what to do. [beep]
Harriet Miers: [into the phone] Hey George, its Harriet. I just wanted to say that I dont want it to be weird between us at work on Monday, so if you agree, call me back, OK? [to Tina] Hell call meback. I mean, if it wasnt for me, that genius wouldve gone to jailyears ago.
Tina Fey: You, uh, havent hung the phone up yet, Harriet.
Harriet Miers: [gasps] Oh, scratch!
Tina Fey: Harriet Miers, everybody!
Harriet Miers: [reaching for the glass of wine] Ill take this.[cheers and applause]
Amy Poehler: Defying federal laws, a California city councilvoted to create a municipal agency to distribute medical marijuana. The agency will be called The Santa Cruz Department of Kevins Van.
Tina Fey: [picture of a child catching an egg that breaks inmidair] This week, during an egg-tossing contest in Kansas City, thiscute little six-year-old girl showed us how were all going to catchbird flu.
And now, its time for our Weekend Update Bitch Fight News Quiz.
[Music Over: I Know What Boys Like, The Waitresses]
[Show title graphic. Dissolve back to the Weekend Update desk]
Alright, so of course you all know how this works. I read Amy a quote,and she has to guess whether it is Lindsay Lohan talking about ParisHilton, or New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd talking aboutfellow New York Times reporter Judith Miller. Alright, ready Amy?
Amy Poehler: Yeah, lets do this! [dramatic music plays in thebackground]
Tina Fey: Alright, Quote #1: She came up and told me to get outof her seat, and it was such an outrageous move, I just had to laugh.
Amy Poehler: OK, Im gonna say thats Lindsay Lohan talking about Paris Hilton at Fashion Week. [buzzer]
Tina Fey: No, that was Maureen Dowd writing about Judith Miller,in the venerable New York Times.
Amy Poehler: OK.
Tina Fey: Quote #2: I often wonder what Evelyn Waugh or WilliamMakepeace Thackeray would have thought of her.
Amy Poehler: Uh, Maureen Down on Judith Miller? [buzzer]
Tina Fey: No. Weirdly enough, that was Lohan talking about Paris Hilton.
Amy Poehler: Wow!
Tina Fey: Shes a reader. #3: She thinks shes so great, cause she has a pink razor phone.
Amy Poehler: Oh Ive read this one. Maureen Dowd. [ding] Yeah,she hates that.
Tina Fey: Correct. Maureen Dowd, in an Op/Ed piece on JudithMiller. Quote #4: I hear that one time, she had sex with Moammar Kadaffi.
Amy Poehler: Wow, this one could go either way. Im gonna say,Maureen Dowd? [buzzer]
Tina Fey: No, that was a trick question. That was actually Paris Hilton, talking about Paris Hilton.
Amy Poehler: OK, she does that a lot.
[display title graphic once again]
Don Pardo V/O: This has been Weekend Updates Bitch Fight NewsQuiz. When bitches be fighting, Weekend Update is there.
Amy Poehler: Thank you, Don.
The next edition of The Real World will be shot in Detroit, aswill several cast members. [applause]
Tina Fey: A new poll shows that 66% of Americans think PresidentBush is doing a poor job of handling the war in Iraq, and the remaining34% think Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church. [some applause]
Amy Poehler: This weekthis week, in honor of her passing, wecelebrate the legacy of Rosa Parks. Here to comment is our own FinesseMitchell.
[pan to Finesse; applause]
Finesse Mitchell: Yes, thank you. Thank you. Now, Rosa Parkstook a stand for all black people by sitting down at the front of thatbus. Thats why tonight, in honor of Ms. Parks, Im staging a sit-inhere at the whites-only section of Saturday Night Live, theWeekend Update desk! [Tina and Amy give Finesse strange looks] Mm-hmm, from Chevy Chase, all the way to Dennis Miller, Amy Poehler,Tina Fey, I have seen more white people sit at this desk than Ive seenshop at Abercrombie & Fitch! And I dont shop there. I shall not be moved.
People say that weve made a lot of progress since the days of RosaParks. But I say we have a long way to go. You say, But Finesse, ablack woman is now Secretary of State. Black woman? She is aRepublican, and her hobby is figure skating. She aint nothin but abuck-toothed white girl with a tan! I shall not be moved. [applause]
Now you say, But Finesse, black-owned businesses are popping up allover America. I say, go to any Magic Johnson Theatre after ten P.M.and see if you can find one row without a baby cryin in it! Just one! Now, that dont have nothin to do with black people, I just wanted tosay that. And I shall not be moved.
Now you say, But Finesse, a black man is now the CEO of AmericanExpress. Hmm. Hm-hm-hmm. [pats his forehead with a whitehandkerchief] I say, if thats true, then why dont they approve me for a damn card? Hook a brotha up, brotha! I shall not be moved!
You say, But Finesse, the government guarantees all black people theright to vote. I say, they need to guarantee us a boat! Black peoplecant float! [picture of hurricane victims huddled on top of a building] I shall not be moved! Not from this seat, not ever, not now, not today[starts to hum to himself, waving his handkerchief back and forth]
Amy Poehler: OK Finesse, um, Finesse, you- you know your guestsare here, right?
Finesse Mitchell: Dont mess with me, Amy. Dont mess with me.[starts humming again, then pauses] Who- who are you talkin about?
Amy Poehler: Oh, uh, those two models that you met at the club,theyre in your dressing room.
Finesse Mitchell: Oh yeah. [The humming softens, Finessesthoughts elsewhere. Eventually, still seated, he rolls away from thedesk. Amy waves to him]
Amy Poehler: Finesse Mitchell taking a stand, everybody. [cheersand applause]
Tina Fey: A new study finds that men who smoke are less likely to make a woman pregnant than non-smokers, especially if they smoke pole.
Amy Poehler: An eight-year-old Maryland girl has been creditedwith this years first bear kill. Though whats most disturbing is, she strangled it.
According to a report, Courtney Love dropped off her dog at a vetsoffice in the spring, and still hasnt picked him up. The dog isextremely grateful.
Tina Fey: This week, the Chicago White Sox swept the HoustonAstros in four games to win their first World Series in 88 years.[cheers and applause] Yes! Please welcome the hero of Game Two, WorldChampion Chicago White Sox left-fielder Scott Podsednik!
[pan to Scott; applause]
Scott Podsednik: Thanks, Tina and Amy. Great to be here.
Tina Fey: Thanks for being here, Scott. Am- Amy and I are sopsyched that youre here. Were huge White Sox fans from way back,cause you know, we both used to live in Chicago.
Amy Poehler: Yeah.
Scott Podsednik: Oh really? What part?
Amy Poehler: Uh, Wrigleyville.
Tina Fey: Evanston.
Amy Poehler: Yeah, so you know were hardcore Sox fans.
Scott Podseknik: Really? People from the North Side are usuallyCubs fans… and yuppies.
Tina Fey: [taken aback] What?
Amy Poehler: No! Yuppies? Were old-school die-hard Chicagoans! We used to hang out at all the gritty places.
Tina Fey: Mm-hmm. Ann Sathers bakery.
Amy Poehler: Yeah, the American Girl Store.
Tina Fey: Walgreens.
Scott Podsednik: [confused] Have you guys ever even been to theSouth Side?
Amy Poehler: Hells yeah! Were South Side all the way, yo! Iwould always, you know, just hop on the Red Line to Cominsky Field
Scott Podsednik: Uh, Amy, thats Comiskey Park, which is now U.S. Cellular Field.
Amy Poehler: I know that!
Tina Fey: I- I buy all my meats on the South Side, alright? Moo & Oink!
Tina and Amy: Moo- moo- Moo & Oink! [dancing to thecommercial jingle]
Amy Poehler: I bought my car at Celozzi-Ettelson Chevrolet!
Tina and Amy: Celozzi-Ettelson Chevrolet, where you alwayssave more money!
Tina Fey: I flew out of Midway once!
Amy Poehler: Listen, I had a bunch of friends that lived in theRobert Taylor Homes.
Scott Podsednik: Oh really, what were their names?
Amy Poehler: Uh, JJ, and uh, Thelma… [clearly embarrassed ather blown lie]
Scott Podsednik: Listen, if you- if you guys are Cubs fans, justadmit it.
Tina Fey: [a beat] Were Cubs fans.
Amy Poehler: Yeah, were Cubs fans.
Tina Fey: [pointing at Amy] Shes a Red Sox fan!
Amy Poehler: Shut up, Tina!
Scott Podsednik: Guys, guys, its cool. Relax. This WorldSeries win was for all the cursed teams. And it belongs to all the Ch-all the people in the Chicagoland area.
Amy Poehler: Thats right. Even Skokie?
Scott Podsednik: Even Skokie.
Tina Fey: Even Wilmette?
Scott Podsednik: Even Wilmette.
Amy Poehler: Even Schaumberg?
Scott Podsednik: No, not Schaumberg.
Amy Poehler: Yeah. World Series champion Scott Podsednik,everybody! [cheers and applause] Adorable! Look at the face on thatguy! Adorable.
On Thursday, many New Yorkers were perplexed by a strange odor all overthe city, that smelled like maple syrup. This is alarming, coming justdays after the release of the terror tape from Mrs. Butterworth.
[cut to Mrs. Butterworth, who stands in a deserted area outside a cave;applause]
Mrs. Butterworth: Mrs. Butterworth wants you to eat morepancakes. Mrs. Butterworth will not rest until the infidels are full of pancakes. Pancakes to America. PANCAKES TO AMERICA!! [shesmiles; applause]
Amy Poehler: Wow, that is- thats really chilling!
Tina Fey: I know, its just chilling, and theyll never find her.
Amy Poehler: I know, theyll never find her, and shes right over there. [points at the green screen to her left]
Tina Fey: This week, McDonalds will launch a two-day media event to tout the quality of its food, and to combat critics who say its burgers and fries are unhealthy. McDonalds says their food represents all four food groups: brown, dark brown, tan, and salty.
Tashkeel Media Group has announced an agreement with Marvel Comics tobring Arabic language comic books to Arab countries. The first to go on sale will be the Marvel classic Spider-Man vs. the Zionist Entity!
Amy Poehler: New Jersey this week announced theyre searching for a new state motto. The leading suggestion so far: New Jersey andYouWho Farted? [applause]
For Weekend Update, Im Amy Poehler.
Tina Fey: Im Tina Fey. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
[cheers and applause as Amy and Tina wave to the camera; fade]
Submitted by: Mike Arroyo
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