Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 33: Episode 11]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
May 10th, 2008
Shia LaBeouf
My Morning Jacket
Wally Feresten
Lorne Michaels
John Lutz A Message from the Next President of the United StatesSummary: Hillary Clinton (Amy Poehler) promises that she’ll be a sore loser if she doesn’t earn the Democratic Party’s nomination.
Recurring Characters: Hillary Clinton.
Shia LaBeouf’s MonologueSummary: Shia LaBeouf is confronted by former secondary characters from the “Indiana Jones” franchise.
Recurring Characters: Sean Connery.
First Hosted: 06q.
MacGruber ISummary: Macgruber (Will Forte) is sidetracked from defusing the bomb when he realizes his son, Merrill (Shia LeBeouf), is gay.
Recurring Characters: MacGruber, Vicky.
It’s A MatchSummary: In an amalgam of the crazy atmosphere of the 70’s-era “Match Game”, a hard-boiled detective (Bill Hader) questions celebrity panelists when the emcee turns up dead in his dressing room; they answer via blue cards and “Think” music.
Scared StraightSummary: Hardcore inmate Lorenzo McIntosh (Kean Thompson) tries to scare a trio of young punks (Shia LeBeouf, Andy Samberg, Bill Hader) straight.
Recurring Characters: Lorenzo McIntosh.
MacGruber IISummary: MacGruber (Will Forte) is sidetracked from defusing the bomb when he discovers that Merrill’s (Shia LeBeouf) degaying recovery didn’t take.
Recurring Characters: MacGruber, Vicky.
The Suze Orman ShowSummary: Financial expert Suze Orman (Kristen Wiig) advises viewers like Josiah from Miami (Shia LeBeouf) what they can do with their tax refund checks, then gives special money-saving tips for the ladies.
Recurring Characters: Suze Orman.
An SNL Digital ShortSummary: Via song, Andy Samberg explains to Shia LeBeouf that walking around without pants is “The Best Look In The World”.
My Morning Jacket performs “I’m Amazed”Bio: Rock band; members: Jim James, “Two-Tone” Tommy, Patrick Hallahan, Bo Koster, Carl Broemel.
Weekend Update with Amy Poehler & Seth MeyersSummary: Liberty City residents Vlad (Bill Hader) and Niko (Fred Armisen) take offense to the way their community is portrayed in “Grand Theft Auto IV”. The humor stylings of Jean K. Jean (Kenan Thompson)
Recurring Characters: Jean K. Jean.
La Rivista Della TelevisioneSummary: Vinny Vedecci (Bill Hader) interviews Shia LeBeouf. Vinny thinks the “Transformers” star used to be a woman, then tries to scare him with rubber snakes.
Recurring Characters: Vinny Vedecci.
MacGruber IIISummary: Macgruber (Will Forte) is sidetracked from defusing the bomb when he meets Merrill’s (Shia LeBeouf) lover, Scott (Andy Samberg).
Recurring Characters: MacGruber, Vicky.
He Likes YouSummary: A pair of attractive girls (Kristen Wiig, Amy Poehler) gain the attention of six lovestruck men (Andy Samberg, Shia LeBeouf, Kenan Thompson, Fred Armisen, Will Forte, Bill Hader) in a restaurant, and wonder what they might be thinking.
My Morning Jacket performs “Evil Urges”
Girls Trying on ClothesSummary: A mom (Amy Poehler) tries in vain to get her manly-looking daughter (Shia LeBeouf) to adopt that New York funky-style.