SNL Transcripts: Ben Affleck: 11/01/08: Ben Affleck’s Monologue

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 34: Episode 7

08g: Ben Affleck / David Cook

Ben Affleck’s Monologue

…..Ben Affleck

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen — Ben Affleck!

Ben Affleck: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you very much! It’s great to be back in New York, hosting “Saturday Night Live”. Uh — of course, like many of you, my mind is on next Tuesday, and this… incredibly important election. Uh, I’ve always been politiclaly active, myself. When I was a kid, my mom took me around to canvas for Jimmy Carter when he ran for re-election against Reagan. Uh, I even volunteered for — for — for Mondale and Ferraro. Of course, they lost, but, uh — I did a little work for Dukakis when I was in high school. In 1992, I, uh — volunteered for Paul Tsongas. He didn’t win. [ he clears his throat ] Then, GORE! Uh — then, Kerry. [ he clear his throat, embarrassed by his track record of failure ] So… basically, my support has the opposite effect. So, it seems the best thing I can do for the Democratic Party candidate — uh — is to stand here tonight, and announce my endorsement of Sen. John McCain. [ audience cheers ] He’s actually here tonight! He’s a great guy — I can’t wait to tell him the good news, I’m sure he’ll be thrilled!

We have a great show tonight — David Cook is here. Stick around, we’ll be right back!

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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