Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 34: Episode 12
08l: Neil Patrick Harris / Taylor Swift
Frost/Other People
David Frost….Neil Patrick Harris
Richard Nixon…..Darrell Hammond
Assistant…..Jason Sudeikis
David Bowie…..Bill Hader
David Crosby…..Bobby Moynihan
Paul Lynde…..Fred Armisen
Fred “Rerun” Berry…..Kenan Thompson
Caption: Frost/Nixon
Announcer: Critics are raving for Ron Howard´s Frost/Nixon. The gripping real life drama of David Frost historic interview with a fallen Richard Nixon.
(Cut to David Frost interviewing Richard Nixon in a room)
David Frost: (British accent) Are you saying that the President of the United States is allowed to do something illegal?
Richard Nixon: I´m saying that when the President of the United States does it, is not illegal.
David Frost: You know that we´re taping, right?
Richard Nixon: Wha–? Uh?
(An assistant comes out and interrupts)
Assistant: No, no, no. Stop the interview! Stop the interview! Mr. President, come on!
(Cut to a still of Frost looking intrigued)
Announcer: And to top off that success we put together this hastily ensemble sequel. Frost/Other People.
Caption: Frost/Other People
(another still with Frost holding a pencil, arched eyebrow)
Announcer: Watch as David Frost takes on other celebrities of the 70´s. Like David Bowie.
(cut to the interview room)
David Frost: And even though you sing again and again about traveling through space, you´re not an astronaut and have in fact, never left the Earth.
(David Bowie circa 1970 has red punkish hair and a lighting bolt drawn across his face)
David Bowie: Well, let me stop you right there, because—
David Frost: I mean, can you even name all the planets?
David Bowie: Come on, man. Don´t do this to me. I´m an artist, man. Just let the children boogie.
(same assistant interrupts, he has red, punkish hair like Bowie)
Assistant: Ok, all right, all right. Don´t say another word, Bowie. This interview is over.
Caption: Frost / Other People
Announcer: After the success of Nixon, David Frost just couldn´t leave it well enough alone.
(another still of Frost looking smug)
Announcer: And now watch him go for the jugular again and again.
(another still of Frost screaming and another pointing mad as hell)
Announcer: See the tension of Frost´s 5 part interview that finally cracked David Crosby.
Caption: Frost / Crosby
(Cut to interview room with famous druggie, folk-rock pioneer, David Crosby. He has long hair and handlebar mustache)
David Frost: Mr. Crosby, are you in fact, a coked up walrus?
David Crosby: Yes!
(same assistant interrupts, has handlebar mustache too)
Assistant: Ok, all right. That´s it. Interview is over!
(David Crosby swats to invisible bugs around him)
Announcer: Rolling Stone magazine raves: “I like anything, so this counts” and The New York Post says: “Long Island Perv, Cops Plea” You´ll be riveted as you watch him go after game show staple Paul Lynde.
(Cut to interview room with Frost and a very nervous Paul Lynde. He has a very gay blue handkerchief tied around his neck)
Paul Lynde: Ask anything you want. I don´t have anything to hide. Oh, wait. I have everything to hide!(stammers nervously) Just look in my closet. It´s huge in there. Big enough for two. Nothing in there but shoes though. I´m heavy on the shoes but I´m light on the loafers.(breaks down, almost crying) Did I just say that?
(assistant interrupts wearing the gay blue handkerchief)
Assistant: All right, stop.
Paul Lynde: He hasn´t asked a question yet!
Caption: Frost / Other People
Announcer: Its over 90 minutes of people from the past sitting and talking in chairs.
(cut to various stills of Frost´s face)
Announcer: Watch as David Frost takes on none other than Fred “Rerun” Berry.
Caption: Frost/Berry
(Cut to interview room with “Rerun” Berry wearing a red beret and suspenders)
David Frost: In the “What´s Happening” episode entitled “Doobie or not Dobbie”…
Fred “Rerun” Berry: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on…
David Frost: You, Dwayne and Rog are invited by the Doobie Brothers to one of their concerts even though they asked you specifically not to make a bootleg tape.
Fred “Rerun” Berry: No, hold on, hold on. I see where you´re going with this. We went to the concert because we were fans of the Doobie Brothers.
David Frost: Let me get this straight. Three young black men from Los Angeles are fans of the Doobie Brothers?
Fred “Rerun” Berry: (breaks down and cries) It was the only band we could get.
(assistant interrupts wearing red beret and suspenders like “Rerun”)
Assistant: Ok, let´s go Rerun. Let´s go.
Fred “Rerun” Berry: Shabba doo, hit the music!(gets up and dances 70´s style with the assistant)
Caption: Frost/Other People
Announcer: Frost/Other People in theaters just in time for Award season. Uh…what? Its too late? Oh, damn.
(cheers and applause)
Submitted by: Waldo San Miguel