SNL Transcripts: Neil Patrick Harris: 01/10/09: Frost/Other People

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 34: Episode 12

08l: Neil Patrick Harris / Taylor Swift

Frost/Other People

David Frost….Neil Patrick Harris
Richard Nixon…..Darrell Hammond
Assistant…..Jason Sudeikis
David Bowie…..Bill Hader
David Crosby…..Bobby Moynihan
Paul Lynde…..Fred Armisen
Fred “Rerun” Berry…..Kenan Thompson

Caption: Frost/Nixon

Announcer: Critics are raving for Ron Howard´s Frost/Nixon. The gripping real life drama of David Frost historic interview with a fallen Richard Nixon.

(Cut to David Frost interviewing Richard Nixon in a room)

David Frost: (British accent) Are you saying that the President of the United States is allowed to do something illegal?

Richard Nixon: I´m saying that when the President of the United States does it, is not illegal.

David Frost: You know that we´re taping, right?

Richard Nixon: Wha–? Uh?

(An assistant comes out and interrupts)

Assistant: No, no, no. Stop the interview! Stop the interview! Mr. President, come on!

(Cut to a still of Frost looking intrigued)

Announcer: And to top off that success we put together this hastily ensemble sequel. Frost/Other People.

Caption: Frost/Other People

(another still with Frost holding a pencil, arched eyebrow)

Announcer: Watch as David Frost takes on other celebrities of the 70´s. Like David Bowie.

(cut to the interview room)

David Frost: And even though you sing again and again about traveling through space, you´re not an astronaut and have in fact, never left the Earth.

(David Bowie circa 1970 has red punkish hair and a lighting bolt drawn across his face)

David Bowie: Well, let me stop you right there, because—

David Frost: I mean, can you even name all the planets?

David Bowie: Come on, man. Don´t do this to me. I´m an artist, man. Just let the children boogie.

(same assistant interrupts, he has red, punkish hair like Bowie)

Assistant: Ok, all right, all right. Don´t say another word, Bowie. This interview is over.

Caption: Frost / Other People

Announcer: After the success of Nixon, David Frost just couldn´t leave it well enough alone.

(another still of Frost looking smug)

Announcer: And now watch him go for the jugular again and again.

(another still of Frost screaming and another pointing mad as hell)

Announcer: See the tension of Frost´s 5 part interview that finally cracked David Crosby.

Caption: Frost / Crosby

(Cut to interview room with famous druggie, folk-rock pioneer, David Crosby. He has long hair and handlebar mustache)

David Frost: Mr. Crosby, are you in fact, a coked up walrus?

David Crosby: Yes!

(same assistant interrupts, has handlebar mustache too)

Assistant: Ok, all right. That´s it. Interview is over!

(David Crosby swats to invisible bugs around him)

Announcer: Rolling Stone magazine raves: “I like anything, so this counts” and The New York Post says: “Long Island Perv, Cops Plea” You´ll be riveted as you watch him go after game show staple Paul Lynde.

(Cut to interview room with Frost and a very nervous Paul Lynde. He has a very gay blue handkerchief tied around his neck)

Paul Lynde: Ask anything you want. I don´t have anything to hide. Oh, wait. I have everything to hide!(stammers nervously) Just look in my closet. It´s huge in there. Big enough for two. Nothing in there but shoes though. I´m heavy on the shoes but I´m light on the loafers.(breaks down, almost crying) Did I just say that?

(assistant interrupts wearing the gay blue handkerchief)

Assistant: All right, stop.

Paul Lynde: He hasn´t asked a question yet!

Caption: Frost / Other People

Announcer: Its over 90 minutes of people from the past sitting and talking in chairs.

(cut to various stills of Frost´s face)

Announcer: Watch as David Frost takes on none other than Fred “Rerun” Berry.

Caption: Frost/Berry

(Cut to interview room with “Rerun” Berry wearing a red beret and suspenders)

David Frost: In the “What´s Happening” episode entitled “Doobie or not Dobbie”…

Fred “Rerun” Berry: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on…

David Frost: You, Dwayne and Rog are invited by the Doobie Brothers to one of their concerts even though they asked you specifically not to make a bootleg tape.

Fred “Rerun” Berry: No, hold on, hold on. I see where you´re going with this. We went to the concert because we were fans of the Doobie Brothers.

David Frost: Let me get this straight. Three young black men from Los Angeles are fans of the Doobie Brothers?

Fred “Rerun” Berry: (breaks down and cries) It was the only band we could get.

(assistant interrupts wearing red beret and suspenders like “Rerun”)

Assistant: Ok, let´s go Rerun. Let´s go.

Fred “Rerun” Berry: Shabba doo, hit the music!(gets up and dances 70´s style with the assistant)

Caption: Frost/Other People

Announcer: Frost/Other People in theaters just in time for Award season. Uh…what? Its too late? Oh, damn.

(cheers and applause)


Submitted by: Waldo San Miguel

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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