SNL Transcripts: Jeff Bridges: 12/18/10: Christmas Eve in Washington, D.C.

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 36: Episode 10

10j: Jeff Bridges / Eminem & Lil Wayne

Christmas Eve in Washington, D.C.

Frosty the Snowman…..Kenan Thompson
President Barack Obama…..Fred Armisen
Hillary Clinton…..Vanessa Bayer
Rahm Emanuel…..Andy Samberg
Nancy Pelosi…..Kristen Wiig
Joe Biden…..Jason Sudeikis

[ open on title card ]

Announcer: It’s Christmas Eve, in Washington, D.C.

[ dissolve to Frosty the Snowman ]

Frosty the Snowman: Hi! I’m Frosty the Snowman! It’s that time of year again — Christmas in Washington, D.C. It’s been a tough year for the Democrats. But, with the new year, comes new hope. And I bet if you went around this nation tonight, you’d find a lot of those Democrats dreaming about better headlines in 2011. Oh, indeed! I bet you would!

[ dissolve to exterior, White House, night ]

[ dissolve to interior, Oval Office, as President Barack Obama stares out the window ]

[ a Christmas ditty plays in the background ]

[ Obama smiles as a headline appears in his head: “UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS TO FIVE PERCENT” ]

[ Obama smiles wider as another headline appears: “WIKILEAKS: JOHN McCAIN A MUSLIM” ]

[ Obama smiles even wider as another headline appears: “SARAH PALIN ANNOUNCES 2012 PRESIDENTIAL BID” ]

[ cut to Hillary Clinton staring out of her window ]

[ Hillary smiles as a headline appears in her head: “CLINTON BROKERS MIDEAST PEACE” ]

[ Hillary smiles wider as another headline appears: “OBAMA TO HILLARY: LET’S SWITCH JOBS” ]

[ Hillary smiles even wider and fogs the glass as another headline appears: “2011’s HOTTEST LOOK: PANTSUITS!!!” ]

[ cut to Rahm Emanuel staring out of his window ]

[ Rahm smiles as a headline appears in his head: “CHICAGO MAYORAL RACE TO BE DECIDED IN FIST FIGHT” ]

[ Rahm smiles wider as another headline appears: “‘ENTOURAGE’ PICKED UP INDEFINITELY” ]

[ Rahm smiles even wider and pounds his fists as another headline appears: “RAHM CATCHES, KILLS BIN LADEN” ]

[ cut to Nancy Pelosi staring out of her window ]

[ Pelosi smiles as a headline appears in her head: “MILITARY TO GO EXCLUSIVELY GAY” ]

[ Pelosi smiles wider as another headline appears: “EARTHQUAKE SPLITS OFF CALIFORNIA, PELOSI ELECTED QUEEN” ]

[ Pelosi smiles even wider as another headline appears: “SCOTT BROWN FORGETS TO WEAR PANTS TO WORK” ]

[ cut to Joe Biden staring out of his window with a big open-mouthed smile on his face ]

[ Biden is excited by the headline: “LIVE GORILLA RUNS ON BASKETBALL COURT, DUNKS” ]

[ Biden is excited by the headline: “BATMAN TO BIDEN: LET’S SWITCH JOBS” ]

[ Biden is excited by the headline: “DENZEL WASHINGTON AND JOE BIDEN STOP RUNAWAY AMTRAK” ]

[ dissolve back to Frosty the Snowman ]

Frosty the Snowman: Indeed! Well, I guess my only wish is for Congress to pass some comprehensive climate change legislation. Before my ass MELTS!! Have a holly jolly Christmas, and “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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