Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 36: Episode 10
10j: Jeff Bridges / Eminem & Lil Wayne
Christmas Eve in Washington, D.C.
Frosty the Snowman…..Kenan Thompson
President Barack Obama…..Fred Armisen
Hillary Clinton…..Vanessa Bayer
Rahm Emanuel…..Andy Samberg
Nancy Pelosi…..Kristen Wiig
Joe Biden…..Jason Sudeikis
[ open on title card ]
Announcer: It’s Christmas Eve, in Washington, D.C.
[ dissolve to Frosty the Snowman ]
Frosty the Snowman: Hi! I’m Frosty the Snowman! It’s that time of year again — Christmas in Washington, D.C. It’s been a tough year for the Democrats. But, with the new year, comes new hope. And I bet if you went around this nation tonight, you’d find a lot of those Democrats dreaming about better headlines in 2011. Oh, indeed! I bet you would!
[ dissolve to exterior, White House, night ]
[ dissolve to interior, Oval Office, as President Barack Obama stares out the window ]
[ a Christmas ditty plays in the background ]
[ Obama smiles as a headline appears in his head: “UNEMPLOYMENT DROPS TO FIVE PERCENT” ]
[ Obama smiles wider as another headline appears: “WIKILEAKS: JOHN McCAIN A MUSLIM” ]
[ Obama smiles even wider as another headline appears: “SARAH PALIN ANNOUNCES 2012 PRESIDENTIAL BID” ]
[ cut to Hillary Clinton staring out of her window ]
[ Hillary smiles as a headline appears in her head: “CLINTON BROKERS MIDEAST PEACE” ]
[ Hillary smiles wider as another headline appears: “OBAMA TO HILLARY: LET’S SWITCH JOBS” ]
[ Hillary smiles even wider and fogs the glass as another headline appears: “2011’s HOTTEST LOOK: PANTSUITS!!!” ]
[ cut to Rahm Emanuel staring out of his window ]
[ Rahm smiles as a headline appears in his head: “CHICAGO MAYORAL RACE TO BE DECIDED IN FIST FIGHT” ]
[ Rahm smiles wider as another headline appears: “‘ENTOURAGE’ PICKED UP INDEFINITELY” ]
[ Rahm smiles even wider and pounds his fists as another headline appears: “RAHM CATCHES, KILLS BIN LADEN” ]
[ cut to Nancy Pelosi staring out of her window ]
[ Pelosi smiles as a headline appears in her head: “MILITARY TO GO EXCLUSIVELY GAY” ]
[ Pelosi smiles wider as another headline appears: “EARTHQUAKE SPLITS OFF CALIFORNIA, PELOSI ELECTED QUEEN” ]
[ Pelosi smiles even wider as another headline appears: “SCOTT BROWN FORGETS TO WEAR PANTS TO WORK” ]
[ cut to Joe Biden staring out of his window with a big open-mouthed smile on his face ]
[ Biden is excited by the headline: “LIVE GORILLA RUNS ON BASKETBALL COURT, DUNKS” ]
[ Biden is excited by the headline: “BATMAN TO BIDEN: LET’S SWITCH JOBS” ]
[ Biden is excited by the headline: “DENZEL WASHINGTON AND JOE BIDEN STOP RUNAWAY AMTRAK” ]
[ dissolve back to Frosty the Snowman ]
Frosty the Snowman: Indeed! Well, I guess my only wish is for Congress to pass some comprehensive climate change legislation. Before my ass MELTS!! Have a holly jolly Christmas, and “Live from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”