SNL Transcripts: Russell Brand: 02/12/11

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 36: Episode 15

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


Bit Players:

February 12th, 2011

Russell Brand

Chris Brown




The O’Reilly FactorSummary: Bill O’Reilly (Jason Sudeikis) presents Part 3 of his pre-Super Bowl interview with President Barack Obama (Fred Armisen).

Recurring Characters: Bil O’Reilly, President Barack Obama.


Russell Brand’s MonologueSummary: Russell Brand rambles through a host of comedic topics.

Gublin & GreenSummary: Attorneys Gublin & Green collect settlements for people injured while working for or attending the “Spider-Man” musical.

Ultimate Vacation GiveawaySummary: Cheryl Bryant (Kristen Wiig) is more excited about the ultimate vacation giveaway than the actual winner (Russell Brand).

Recurring Characters: Cheryl Bryant.

Don’ You Go Rounin’ Roun To Re RoSummary: Trailer for a new British film features unintelligible dialogue.


The King’s TasterSummary: King Reginald’s (Russell Brand) taster (Taran Killem) is relunctant to accept his duty after witnessing how the King goes out of his way to harass his chef (Bill Hader).


Chris Brown performs “Yeah 3x”

Weekend Update with Seth MeyersSummary: Recently-resigned Egyptian president Hosni Mubarek (Fred Armisen) gives his version of events. Lil Wayne (Jay Pharoah) and Eminem (Taran Killem) debut their new Valentine’s Day single. Stefon (Bill Hader).

Recurring Characters: Hosni Mubarek, Eminem, Stefon.

Livin’ SingleSummary: Dina D’Angelo (Vanessa Bayer) professes to enjoy being single, yet is aroused ay amorous pastry chef (Russell Brand).


A Spot of TeaSummary: Proper British old ladies (Russell Brand, Andy Samberg, Bill Hader) attempt to enjoy their tea and talk despite a constant barrage of earthquakes.

Chris Brown performs “No Bullshit”

Time MachineSummary: To finalize party debate regarding the Founding Fathers, general (Jason Sudeikis) delivers George Washington (Russell Brand) via time travel, but he doesn’t adapt well to his modern surroundings and has to be killed.


Dress Rehearsal Cuts

The TalkSummary: Steven Tyler (Russell Brand) appears as a guest on the insipid knock-off of “The View”.

Recurring Characters: Sharon Osbourne, Whoopi Goldberg.

Fashion ShowSummary: IIn a cartoon by Fred Wolf, a male dog (David Spade) comments on lame party action.

The HypnotistSummary: A model’s death doesn’t stop the fashion show from going on.

“Sex” Ed Vincent’s Valentine’s Day Sex SymposiumSummary: Ed Vincent (Paul Brittain) hosts a three-day symposium on sex and Valentine’s Day.

Recurring Characters: “Sex” Ed Vincent.

The WizardSummary: A wizard (Russell Brand) creeps out his date (Nasim Pedrad) with dirty talk while flying her on his broom.

Greetings from American America: Dog in Purse IISummary: In a cartoon by Fred Wolf, a male dog (David Spade) comments on lame party action.

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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