Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 37: Episode 19
Another SNL Digital Short
…..Andy Samberg
…..Taran Kllam
[ SUPER: “An SNL Digital Short” ]
[ “Another” sizzles on top ]
[ cut to Gotye’s dressing room, as Andy Samberg and Taran Killam come knocking ]
Andy Samberg: Hey! Gotye! How are you?
Gotye: Nice to meet you!
Taran Killam: We just wanted to say Hi! before the show!
Andy Samberg: Yeah. Big fans of yours.
Taran Killam: HUGE!
Gotye: I’m a big fan of you guys, too, so…
Andy Samberg: [ humbled ] Ahh! It’s probably me more than Taran, but, uh… [ Taran grimaces ] Your “Somebody I Used To Know” video is amazing! You’re painted, the wall’s painted, and you’re like camoflauged into the scenery.
Taran Killam: Yeah! It’s best of the year.
Gotye: Wow! You seem like really big fans!
Andy & Taran: [ smiling ] We are!!
Gotye: Cool, uh… I’d better get warmed up, you know, and, uh…
Taran Killam: Of course! We’ll get out of your hair!
Gotye: Alright.
Andy Samberg: Have a good one.
[ Andy and Taran exit the dressing room, as Gotye closes the door and sits in front of a painting on the wall and reads the newspaper ]
[ Gotye’s song begins to play, as Andy and Taran appear behind the couch with their bodies painted so as to help them blend in with the painting on the wall ]
Gotye: Guys?
Andy Samberg: What? What’s up?
Gotye: What are you doing?
Andy Samberg: We’re like you! Get it?
Taran Killam: We like your music video! We told you that.
Gotye: Yeah. I just really want to focus on the show tonight.
Andy Samberg: We totally get that…
Taran Killam: We’re not even here.
Andy Samberg: Just ignore us.
[ Gotye stares unbelievably at the stillness of Andy and Taran, until the music pops up again and they begin to sway in time ]
Gotye: Yeah… it’s weird, guys.
Andy Samberg: [ whispering ] Like from the video!
Gotye: Guys! Seriously! Could you leave?! [ the music stops ] Please?
Andy Samberg: A thousand apologies. We overplayed this.
Taran Killam: We see that now.
Gotye: Yes! Uh… we’ll get out of your hair.
Taran Killam: You will NOT see us again.
Gotye: Goodbye.
[ Gotye returns to his paper as Andy and Taran exit the dressing room away from the door ]
Taran Killam: [ peeking in, with soundtrack ] “I used to know!!”
Gotye: Wow.
Andy Samberg: [ peeking in, with soundtrack ] “I used to know!!”
Gotye: Jeez!
Andy & Taran: [ peeking in, with soundtrack ] “I used to know!!”
Gotye: [ jumping up ] GUYS, YOU GOTTA LEAVE!!
[ Andy & Taran rush to the door ]
Gotye: [ covering his eyes ] Put some pants on next time.
[ reveal Andy & Taran’s full-on nudity ]
Taran Killam: We intentionally didn’t pain this part.
Andy Samberg: We wanted you to see.
Gotye: Well, I see!
Andy & Taran: [ weakly ] “I used to knowwww!!”
[ Gotye doesn’t respond ]
Taran Killam: We’ll leave.
Andy Samberg: We’ll leave.
[ Andy & Taran exit Gotye’s dressing room, their bare butts wagging ]
[ fade ]