SNL Transcripts: Josh Brolin: 04/14/12: HBO First Look

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 37: Episode 19

11s: Josh Brolin / Gotye

HBO First Look

Written by: Sarah Schneider, Zach Kanin, and Kumail Nanjiani

Kit Harrington…..Taran Killam
Therese Sullivan…..Kate McKinnon
George R. R. Martin…..Bobby Moynihan
Adam Friedberg…..Andy Samberg
Director…..John Solomon

Announcer: And now, an “HBO First Look” at the hit series “Game of Thrones”.

[ display fighting scenes ]

Kit Harrington: “Game of Thrones” is, uh, an epic story of good vs. evil.

Therese Sullivan: You never know who to root for, the characters are all so complex.

Announcer: The success of the show is linked to its two creative consultants: Author George R.R. Martin…

George R. R. Martin: I’m on-set to ensure that the show honors the spirit of my books.

Announcer: And Adam Friedberg, a 13-year old boy.

Adam Friedberg: [ lisping ] I make sure there are lots of boobs in the show! [ he grins triumphantly ]

Kit Harrington: He’s a genius. He take one look at a scene and know exactly what’s missing.

[ show Adam holding up a page with a stick-figure drawing qwith big breasts drawn over it ]

Adam Friedberg: I remember there was this one scene where a dude was talking to himself, and I was like, “Why don’t we add two naked ladies, just going to TOWN on each other?” Let’s just say the scene started working! [ he smiles with a wide set of braces ]

George R. R. Martin: Andy is, uh, a visionary

[ cut to Adam overseeing a scene ]

Adam Friedberg: No, no, no, no! I can’t see any BUTTS in it!

George R. R. Martin: He knows that even when I didn’t write sex into a scene, uh-uh-uh-uh… I was definitely thinking about it.

[ cut to Adam watching a nude scene and giving a thumbs-up to the camera ]

Kit Harrington: Adam’s so involved with the show that I’ve even seen him take his work home with him.

[ reveal Adam swiping a pair of panties from Wardrobe ]

Kit Harrington: I’ve never seen anyone so driven. He spends all his time on-set.

[ reveal Adam sitting next to the Director as a sex scene is filmed ]

Director: And… CUT!

Adam Friedberg: Bathroom break!

[ cut to another shoot ]

Adam Friedberg: Bathroom break!

[ cut to another shoot ]

Adam Friedberg: You guys, I’m gonna hit the head!

Kit Harrington: He does take a lot of bathroom breaks. [ he frowns, as it hits him ]

Therese Sullivan: Adam says this is my good side:

[ the camera pulls back to reveal her arms separated above and below her breasts ]

Adam Friedberg: Last week was one of my MOST inspired scenes. I was like, “In that corner, can we get some people doing it doggy-style. And then, a dude peeping at that be all, ‘Looks good to me!’ And then we pan down and see he’s got a naked lady working on his wang! And then, another dude peeping on that, and he’s like, ‘Tell me more!'” And all of that aired on TELEVISION… right after “Rango”! [ he smiles wide ] IT’S HBO!!

Announcer: Coming up, ADam gives us a glimpse of next week’s episode.

[ reveal Adam pushing two fingers up against two fingers and making rocket noises ]

[ fade ]

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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