SNL Transcripts: Andy Samberg: 05/17/14: St. Vincent performs “Digital Witness”

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 39: Episode 21

13u: Andy Samberg / St. Vincent

St. Vincent performs “Digital Witness”

…..Andy Samberg
…..St. Vincent

Andy Samberg: Ladies and gentlemen — St. Vincent.

St. Vincent: [ singing ]
“Get back to your seat
Get back, gnashing teeth
Ooh, I want all of your mind.

.People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.

Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
What’s the point of doing anything?
This is no time for confessing — oh!
I want all of your mind.

People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.

Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
Watch me jump right off the London Bridge
This is no time for confessing — oh!

People turn the TV on and throw it out the window — yeah.

Get back to your stare
I care, but I don’t care
Oh, oh!
I — I want all of your mind
Give me all of your mind
I want all of your mind
Give me all of it.

Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
What’s the point of doing anything?
What’s the point of even sleeping?
So I stopped sleeping, yeah I stopped sleeping
Won’t somebody sell me back to me?”

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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