Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 39: Episode 21
13u: Andy Samberg / St. Vincent
St. Vincent performs “Digital Witness”
…..Andy Samberg
…..St. Vincent
Andy Samberg: Ladies and gentlemen — St. Vincent.
St. Vincent: [ singing ]
“Get back to your seat
Get back, gnashing teeth
Ooh, I want all of your mind.
.People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
What’s the point of doing anything?
This is no time for confessing — oh!
I want all of your mind.
People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
People turn the TV on, it looks just like a window — yeah.
Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
Watch me jump right off the London Bridge
This is no time for confessing — oh!
People turn the TV on and throw it out the window — yeah.
Get back to your stare
I care, but I don’t care
Oh, oh!
I — I want all of your mind
Give me all of your mind
I want all of your mind
Give me all of it.
Digital witnesses, what’s the point of even sleeping?
If I can’t show it, if you can’t see me
What’s the point of doing anything?
What’s the point of even sleeping?
So I stopped sleeping, yeah I stopped sleeping
Won’t somebody sell me back to me?”