Porn Stars with Seth Rogen and James Franco – Sunseeker Yachts

Brecky….Vanessa Bayer

Friend….Cecily Strong

Captain Jack Swallow….James Franco

James Franco….Seth Rogen

Brecky: Luxurence
Friend: Frills
Brecky: Lavishable
Friend: Disrabable
Both: The amazement. Sun Sinker Yachts. (They wildly mispronounce ‘yachts’ everytime)
Friend: All the glycerince of a floating sea castle
Brecky: You’ll feel like a real housewife of Atlantis
Both: With Sunsinker Yachts.
Brookie: Hi, we aren’t porn stars anymore. I’m Brecky.
Friend: No, that’s your name.
Brecky: And we aren’t porn stars anymore. But that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy the freedom of standing at the front of a ship and getting blasted in the face.
Friend: And they’re perfect. For occasions like:
Brecky: Whale Washing
Friend: Jail release party
Brecky: Hey, you just knocked over a lighthouse you idiot
Friend: and Bermuda four-way. I guarantee it. You’ll feel like you’re getting it in all the portholes in once.
Brecky: You’ll feel like you’re on the maiden voyage of the Tightanus
(the guys are wheeled on stage in boats, dressed as captains)
Seth: Did someone say
James: That sounds fishy?
Both girls: No, not yet, no… (the guys are wheeled offstage) With Sunsinker Yachts.
Friend: One time I thought I banged a merman, but it was just a guy with long hair and eczema. I was like, “We’re gonna need a bigger throat. Thanks Yachts.”
Brecky: I lost my foot, in my butt. It used to be on my leg, until I tried to kick a squirrell and missed really bad. Now when someone’s like, “Sit on it,” I’m like, “You mean stand on it?” And either way, they’re like, “Get out of here.”
Friend: One time, I thought I got banged into another dimension like Innersmaller, but I was just stuck in a pull-out couch. I was like, “What does pull out mean?”
Brecky: Hey remember getting water in your ear? It’s like…
(they both ‘practice’ getting water out of their ear and ad lib ‘get out of there,’ ‘that’s my ear,’ etc.)
(the guys are wheeled on stage in boats, dressed as captains)
Seth: Did someone say
James: That sounds fishy?
Girls: Okay, go now, go…
(the guys stand up out of the boats)
James: Hi, I’m captain Jack Swallow of the Black Pearl Necklace
Seth: And I’m James Franco
James: We’re the captains of Nautical-themed pornography. You might remember me as Tom Yanks in the move Blastaway.
Seth: And I was the star of the TV series Freaks and Queefs
James: But you don’t need a PhDong in Ocean Porn to appreciate Seersucker Yachts. Seersucker Yachts, They’re Yachts in Seersucker suits! Cause, why not? Yachts can be fancy too sometimes.
Brecky: Hey, what are you saying? We’re trying to do this AD and get free boats from
Both Girls: Sunsinker Yachts.
Both Guys ad lib: Oh right, The crime, Wink wink, etc…
Seth: So, dress your yacht up in a seersucker suit like he’s at the Kentucky Furby
James: And to our high school film teacher who said, “You’ll never star in 300 underwater pornos,” Why would you say that, dude?
Seth: So get sunsinker Yachts today. The only thing you need to bring is…
Brecky: A sense of adventure
Friend: Butt beads
Guys: With Sunsinker Yachts!

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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