Colin Jost
Michael Che
[Starts with Michael Che in his news set.]
Michael Che: US health officials have released new federal guidelines on circumcision. The guidelines are titled, “Tips for tips.”
[Cut to Colin Jost. There is a picture of Pizza Hut logo at left top corner.]
Colin Jost: Pizza Hut is trying out a new tablet based menu that relies purely on customer’s eye movements to create their perfect pizza. Finally, a way around the rigorous work of pointing.
[Picture changes to Black Peter and Saint Nicholas.]
A debate has renewed in Netherlands this week over the country’s Christmas tradition of Black Peter, who is a Black faced assistant to white Saint Nicholas. I don’t know how the debate turned out, because once I Googled the word ‘Black Peter’, work took away my internet.
[Cut to Michael Che. There is a picture of a man playing golf and a monkey at right top corner.]
Michael Che: It was your second time though. While playing in a tournament in South Africa, pro golfer Luke Donald was chased off the course by a charging Baboon. Nice try golf, but you’re still boring.