Game at Debra’s House

Debra… Ronda Rousey

Robbie… Beck Bennett

Mikie… Kyle Mooney

Kenan Thompson

[Starts with Debra walking up to Robbie and Mikie]

Debra: Hey, Robbie. Hey, Mikie.

Robbie: Hey Debra.

Mikie: What’s up, Debra?

Debra: Were you guys able to talk to Don about the new customer service policies?

Robbie: Oh, not yet. But we’re definitely gonna get started digging our hands into it after lunch.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: Great! Oh, and if you haven’t heard, I’m having some people over to game on Sunday, if you wanna come by.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Oh, yes.

Mikie: Oh, yes!

Robbie: Okay.

Mikie: Big game, you’re having people over for it?

[Cut to everyone]

Debra: Yeah. I thought it might be fun.

Robbie: Oh, it’s party time. Alright!

Debra: Um, not quite a party but some people hope it for sure. No big deal.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Mikie: Great! Me and him love parties. It’s one of our favorite things to go to.

Robbie: I always get invited to party. So, this is nothing new.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: Oh well, mine’s Sunday starting at around 3.

[Cut to all. Debra is walking away.]

Mikie: Okay. Let me ask, morning or later?

Debra: 3 PM. Do not come to my house at 3 AM.

Mikie: Great! That’s actually easier for us.

Robbie: Yeah. Way easy for us. I’m actually scared at 3 AM.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: Ah, okay. But there’s no reason to be scared.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: No. Not of a party.

Mikie: And of course, we’re gonna be doing what people do at party. So, a little bit of dancing, a little bit of what did you say?

[Cut to all]

Debra: Just watching football.

Robbie: Exactly! Yeah.

Debra: Feel free to bring something but no pressure.

[Debra is walking away]

Mikie: Um-hmm. Like a bucket.

Debra: We’re just going to be watching TV. So we don’t need buckets.

Mikie: Perfect!

Robbie: Oh, so yea, we’ll just bring in couple of TVs in?

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: I have a TV. You don’t have to bring one from home.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Oh that’s probably easier for us. We live two hours away. We don’t have a car.

Mikie: Yeah, thanks Obama.

Robbie: Oh, hey, do people have any allergies or–

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: I don’t think so.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Okay, great. Then I’ll find a couple of dogs to bring.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: Please don’t bring dogs to my house.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Oh, okay. So you’re gonna provide the dogs?

Mikie: Oh, a very crazy affair.

Robbie: Ah!

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: Have you guys not been to a party before?

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Oh yeah. Just not with other people.

[Kenan walks in]

Kenan: Hey! I heard you guys talking about a party? I’m there. I’ll be the one with the nachos.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Mikie: Ay, we’ll be the ones with the towels.

[Cut to Kenan]

Kenan: Don’t know what that can mean.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Mikie: Coz we’re bringing towels to the party.

Robbie: Yeah, see you Sunday at 3 AM.

Mikie: PM.

Robbie: Oh, right!

[Cut to all]

Kenan: I’m gonna walk away right now.

Debra: I already have plenty of towels.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Lucky.

Mikie: We can bring rags.

Debra: Rags?

Mikie: You must know that those are little shredded towels.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: I know what rags are. And I don’t need anything like that.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Mikie: Say no more. That actually makes things a lot more easier for us.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: If you guys don’t wanna come, don’t stress.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Oh, no. We’re not stressed. We got body massages today.

Mikie: Yeah. We’re not stressed at all. We’ve been to a party or two before.

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: I get it. Not your first ROYO.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Mikie: No one said anything about ROYO party.

Robbie: ROYO party. Either way, we get our clowns right?

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: No. It’s very casual. I’ll see you at my house Sunday or not.

[Debra walking away]

Mikie: Roger that. Now, just a curiosity. How do we get inside your place?

[Cut to Debra getting annoyed]

Debra: What?

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Is there a climbing situation? Or do you want us to smash in the front door?

[Cut to Debra]

Debra: No, it’s just a regular door and I’ll open it.

[Cut to Robbie and Mikie]

Robbie: Perfect. Okay.

Mikie: That’s easier for us.

Robbie: Yeah.

[Cut to all]

Debra: Guys, you don’t really have to come.

Mikie: Oh, well, we do.

[Cut to Deb’s house at 3 AM]

[door bell ringing]

Robbie: Deb, wake up! We’re here to watch the game.

Mikie: We brought dogs and rags.

[door knocking]

[The End]

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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