Weekend Update Beck Bennett the Singer

Colin Jost

Beck Bennett

[Starts with Colin Jost in his set]

Colin Jost: Well, we have a lot of pop stars perform here on SNL. But it turns out– [laughing] That’s the weirdest transition. Just a piggyback on the Chicago stuff. We have a lot of pop stars perform on SNL. Well it turns out, we might have an emerging pop star right here in our cast. Here to explain is Beck Bennett.

[Beck Bennett slides in.]

Beck Bennett: Hey, Colin. Hey audience. I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you.

Colin Jost: Yeah. Back, great hair, by the way.

Beck Bennett: Oh, yeah, this? I guess it’s just kind of how it naturally falls. It’s just being me.

Colin Jost: Yeah, doesn’t seem like it. Beck, what is going on with your music career?

[cut to Colin Jost]

Beck Bennett: Um, well, in a word Colin, it’s exploding.

Colin Jost: Wow.

Beck Bennett: People don’t know this but music’s always been a huge part of my life. And I’ve always like, listened to the radio. And I love songs.

[Cut to Beck Bennett and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Great. So, you’re like a classically trained singer? Or–

Beck Bennett: Um, I’m not classically trained per say. I just do original chart topping music that people fall in love with.

Colin Jost: Okay, great. So, do you wanna maybe try out one of your songs right now?

Beck Bennett: Um, okay. [Cut to Beck Bennett]

[singing] Everybody’s on the prowl
everybody’s gotta get that something, something
money, money, money, money, money

Thank you.

[audience cheering]

Colin Jost: [to audience] No, don’t. Don’t.

Beck Bennett: That song was about the economy and money.

Colin Jost: Yes. You said money like 10 times.

Beck Bennett: I have another one.

Colin Jost: Oh, great. I was gonna say thanks for coming. But sure, yeah, that’s great. If you got another one, let’s–

Beck Bennett: Okay. Um, just fair warning. It’s really tender.

[Cut to Beck Bennett]

[singing] Honestly we’re here before
and honestly I’ve seen you there
and honestly we’ve been down this road

[audience cheering]

[Cut to Beck Bennett and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Yeah. I’m sorry. That was the whole song?

Beck Bennett: Oh, yeah. I do little songs, Colin. [Cut to Beck Bennett] A lot of singers with do eight to 10 songs in an album. Not me. I’ll do anywhere from 300 to 600 songs. Yeah, I am an absolute machine.

Colin Jost: Yeah, that’s too many songs.

Beck Bennett: I’m always producing.

Colin Jost: Yeah. No, maybe slow it down. Now, why don’t you just maybe do one more song. A little song.

Beck Bennett: Sure, yeah. [Cut to Beck Bennett]

[singing] The pin goes in, the pin goes out
I’m trying to make a blanket
the pin goes in the pin goes out
I’m sewing something new

[Cut to Beck Bennett and Colin Jost]

Colin Jost: Alright. Yeah. That could be good.

[Cut to Beck Bennett]

Beck Bennett: [singing] Maybe it’s a hat or gloves
maybe it’s a brand-new coat
maybe it’s a little stuffed animal

[Cut to Beck Bennett and Colin Jost]

[audience cheering]

Yeah, that song ended up being about stuffed animal.

Colin Jost: [laughing] Wow, thanks man.

Beck Bennett: Yeah. It’s really–

Colin Jost: Thanks for walking us through that. Now look, Beck, there’s no easy way for me to say this.\

Beck Bennett: Uh-huh, great.

Colin Jost: Obviously I don’t want to hurt your feelings.

Beck Bennett: Good news alert. Ha-ha-ha.

Colin Jost: I just think that maybe after listening to your music–

Beck Bennett: [interrupting] I should quit comedy and do music full time? Great! Coz I already did it.

[singing] Everybody is on the prowl
money, money, money, money, money

Colin Jost: Beck Bennet, everyone. Musician.

Beck Bennett: Use my songs in Marvel movies, please.

Colin Jost: For Weekend Update, I’m Colin Jost

Michael Che: I’m Michael Che. Goodnight.

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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