Ebenezer Scrooge… Mikey Day
Extra Spirit … Jason Momoa
Mr. Crutchett… Beck Bennett
Mrs. Crutchett… Heidi Gardner
Tiny… Kate McKinnon
[Opens a story book and narrators starts telling the Christmas story]
Narrator: And so Mr. Scrooge was shown the errors of his ways by three spirits, the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. The following morning he was a changed man.
[Cut to Scrooge sleeping on his bed. Mrs. Dilber comes in from the door with morning tea for Scrooge]
Ebenezer Scrooge: Tell me what day it is Mrs. Dilber?
Mrs. Dilber: Why, it’s Christmas day sir.
Ebenezer Scrooge: Then I haven’t missed it.
Mrs. Dilber: Are you quite yourself sir?
Ebenezer Scrooge: I hope not! It’s Christmas Day! [Scrooge goes to the window] Merry [Cut to Scrooge shouting out of the window] Christmas, Everyone! [Spirit with Christmas coat on comes in from the door with smokes and clouds]
Extra Spirit: Christmas tidings Scrooge.
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Scrooge shocked] Who are you?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to spirit walking in] I’m a spirit, Ebenezer.
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Spirit and Scrooge] Marley told me there were only to be three spirits. Are you some sort of extra spirit?
Extra Spirit: Exactly, I’m so much more extra!
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Scrooge confused] I have seen my past, present and future. What is left for you to show me?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Spirit and Scrooge] Maybe this. Watch. [Spirit gets behind the bed curtains and starts dancing flirty and feminine.]
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Scrooge] Okay. The other ghosts helped me to transform from a stingy miser into a giving, loving man. What lesson did I gain from that?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Spirit] Seriously? You should be like, “Boy, why are you so extra?”
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Scrooge] I mean, I had a long night so maybe that’s why I’m not getting it?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Spirit and Scrooge] It’s fine. I think I know what you need. [Spirits opens his Christmas coat and inside he I wearing glowing shiny tiny cape. Spirit starts stripping flirty and feminine] So?
Ebenezer Scrooge: Are you sure you have the right address?
Extra Spirit: Oh, come on! [Cut to Spirit] I’m being very extra for you and you’re not getting it.
Ebenezer Scrooge: [Cut to Scrooge] You took off a cape and had another cape on underneath. What’s to get?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Spirit] It’s called a reveal, you fat head.
[Cut to Spirit and Scrooge. Mrs. Dilber comes in with other three people]
Mrs. Dilber: Mr. Scrooge, the Crutchette family are here.
Extra Spirit: Don’t worry. They won’t see me. I’m a ghost.
Ebenezer Scrooge: Oh, my good fella, come in. Happy Christmas.
Mr. Crutchett: Happy Christmas. What’s gotten into Mr. Scrooge?
Ebenezer Scrooge: Bob, I want to give you something. This is your Christmas bonus.
Mrs. Crutchett: [Cut to three Crutchette family] Bonus? How incredibly kind of you.
Mr. Crutchett: Thank Mr. Scrooge, Tiny.
Tiny: Thank you Mr. Scrooge. If I’m not so bold to ask, who is this well built ghost who’s been so extra?
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Spirit and Scrooge] Thank you! See, Tiny Tim gets it.
Ebenezer Scrooge: So they can see you?
Extra Spirit: Yeah, I guess so.
Tiny: [Cut to three Crutchette family] You’re always as extra as Christmas itself, with all it’s Tinsel and Goose dinners.
Extra Spirit: [Cut to Tiny, Spirit and Scrooge] You know what? Let me give it one last try because I think Scrooge might almost be there.
[Spirit throws away his pants and inside he’s wearing shiny underwear. Spirit starts stripping flirty and feminine]
[Tiny walks up front, throws his crutch and starts dancing]
Mr. Crutchett: Tiny, you can walk!
Tiny: Now, give me that bonus money! There’s something I need to do! Yes!
Extra Spirit: Twerk with me, Tiny Tim! Twerk with my Scrooge!
Ebenezer Scrooge: Oh, yes, I see it now. Yes!
[Cut to the story book. The book ends]