Diner Lobster

Waiter… John Mulaney

Waitress… Cecily Strong

Pete Davidson

Chris Red

Lobster… Kenan Thompson

Clausette… Kate McKinnon

[Starts with Pete and Chris in Big Nick’s Greek Diner for a meal.]

Waiter: Did you two order yet?

Pete: No.

Chris: No.

Waiter: Did you two carve gang signs into the baby changing station?

Pete and Chris: Yeah.

Waiter: Alright. What do you want to eat?

Chris: Yeah. I’ll have the grilled cheese deluxe and can I get a salad instead of the fries, please?

Waiter: Yeah. Sure thing. One grilled cheese, vagina style. Great! How about you, Pal?

Pete: You know what? I’ll have the lobster

[Waiter is shocked]

Waiter: Excuse me?

Pete: The lobster special.

Chris: Did you just order a lobster in a diner?

Pete: Yeah. Why?

Chris: Because it’s a diner. No one orders lobster in a diner. The whole seafood section is on the menu as a joke, man. I mean, seafood! The word ‘seafood’ is in quotes.

Pete: I’m in the mood for lobster, okay? I won my lawsuit against bumble for getting zero matches. And I wanna celebrate.

Waiter: But the lobster, you sure that you want the lobster?

Pete: I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s on the menu. I’ll have the damn lobster.

Chris: Just don’t do it.

Waiter: [in sad voice] As you wish. Alright, everyone, the time has come. We’ve got an order here for one lobster.

[music playing]

[A huge aquarium is pulled out of curtains. There is Kenan dressed as a lobster inside.]

Kenan: [singing] Who am I?
and why am I condemned to boil alive?
when all that I have done is live my life

Waiter: And why would someone on a whim
choose from all to order him

[pointing at Pete] Who’s this guy?

[Pete is laughing hard]

Kenan: I thought that there was an unspoken rule
that lobster in a diner is never cool
a diner’s menu is way too long
and half the things are way too wrong

[Waitress is standing behind Pete and Chris. She surprises them by singing.]

Waitress: Must he die
how can you ever face his lobster friends?
how can you ever face yourself again?


Kenan: I’ve lived here 40 years, I know
an age that lobsters never grow
and in that time there’s been no one to order any crustaceans

Who am I?

Waiter, Kenan and Waitress: Lobster number one.

[Chris is clapping for them]

Chris: I mean, you can’t eat the lobster now, man! They just sang their song, bro.

Waiter: I’m sorry, dude. I’m more of a mean girls guy. [winks at the camera] On broadway now.

Chris: Wait, what’s happening right now?

[a girl lobster walks in]

Clausette: Papa?

Kenan: Clausette? Oh, what are you doing here?

Clausette: There’s something I wanted to tell you, papa.

[music playing]

[singing] Father now they want you dead
let me go in your place instead
whether it’s boiled, steamed or blacked
Off to the great tank in the sky

Kenan: No, Clausette. I can’t make you do that. It’s not your time. It’s mine.

Clausette: [weeping] I love you, papa.

Kenan: Oh, I love you too. Now, run. Run from this place.

[Clausette runs out]

Chris: Oh, the little baby lobster man! Just change your order, dude!

Pete: Hey! They put it on the menu. I’m calling their bluff.

Waiter and Kenan: Form the barricade.

Chris: Wait, there’s a barricade?

[two people pull out a cart full of lobster cages]

Pete: This diner has incredible set design.

Waiter: [singing] Will you join in our crusade to keep the lobster from the pot?
Waitress: Will you drop the massacre raid and give him a shot?

Kenan: Then join in the pipe that will give us the right to be free

[Four other performs walk in dancing]

All: Do you hear the lobster scream
screaming the scream of scalding flames
it is a screaming of a lobster

[pointing at Pete. He is dancing to the song.] And this dummy’s here to blame

When the churning in your bowels
matches the burning of his shell
you’ll know why lobster in a diner never sell

Lobsters, you don’t order them in diners.

Pete: Alright. Alright. Alright. Forget he lobster. I’ll have the tuna melt instead.

Everyone: Yay!

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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