Corporate Nightmare Song

Ted… Beck Bennett

Nate… Mikey Day

Tina… Kristen Stewart

Casper… Pete Davidson

Dylan… Kyle Mooney

[Starts with a video clip of a commercial building]

[Cut to inside the office]

[Phone ringing]

Ted: Hey, Dylan? Take the lip ring out. [Cut to Dylan. He has a gothic outlook with a lip ring and ear ring on.] It’s against company policy.

[Rock music playing. Music video starts.]

Nate: This one’s going out to all the corporate drones out there.

Tina: Working for the man, making other people rich.

Casper: Wait, the almighty dollar.

Dylan: You know who you are. Listen up.


Mom and dad said go get a job

Tina: Go work real hard go punch your clock

Nate: Climb the corporate ladder straight to the top

Casper: Be a dude someday you’ll be the boss

Dylan: But white collar life don’t work it seems

Tina:Cause I ain’t no corporate worker bee

Nate: Everybody in the house who feel like me

Everybody: Get up on your feet and scream
Take this job and shove it up your —
I will never be part of this machine
corporate society
you can’t hold me back
with a paycheck
this job can kiss my ass.

[Cut to the corporate office]

Ted: Hey, Tina, great work on that compete analysis.

Tina: Oh, thank you.

Ted: You should think about the management training program. We could use someone like you on the 12th floor.

Tina: Wow. I will. Thank you sir.

[Cut to the music video]

Dylan: Boss man sit around on his ass all day

Tina: Doing real good work for the company

Nate: He don’t know what’s up

Tina: But he actually does though,
so let’s not be unfair to Ted, Yo!

Dylan: But the hours–

Tina: Are good!

Nate: And the pay–

Tina: Is generous!

Casper: Corporate culture straight up venomous

Tina: But our benefits–

[Phone beep]

Oh, sorry. One second. I just got to make sure I RSVP for this meeting. Yep, I knew it and—

[Cut to music video]

Nate: ‘Cause the people at this place–

Tina: Are my best friends!

Casper: And when it comes to the boss–

Tina: He’s my best friend!

Everybody: Take this job and shove it up your–

[Cut to the office]

Ted:  Tina, Nate, Casper, you got a sec?

Casper: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Nate: Uh-huh. Sure thing, Ted.

[Cut to Dylan watching his colleagues go to the boss]

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: I will never go down the corporate road
Capitalistic nightmare
blah- blah- blah- blah, something blah- blah- blah
nothing, but a – nothing but a – Blah, blah, blah—

[Dylan watches his colleagues hugging the boss] What the hell was that about?

[Cut to Nate, Tina and Casper]

Tina: Ted asked us to if we would pitch on the digital campaign.

Nate: Yeah, it’s pretty cool, actually.

Casper: Yeah, it’s really nice that Ted is looking at ideas internally.

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: You corporate drones in your suits and ties
the boss says, “Jump!” You say, “How high?”

[Cut to Tina]

Tina: Ted wants you to work on it too.

[Cut to Dylan getting happy]

[Cut to music video]

Dylan: Let’s dive right in put our heads together

Nate: Blue sky the whole thing make a good ideas better

Tina: Let’s order food

Casper: Stay here all night!

Nate: If we’re pitching to Ted

Dylan: It’s gotta be tight
if we do this right who knows where we could go

Tina: Dana is retiring

Everybody: And she’ll need to be replaced, yo!

Nate: One of us could get her job management position

Casper: Down the road we could be running this division

Dylan: Crush this presentation

Nate: No choking

Tina: Gotta foot in the door

Everybody: Now let’s kick it open

[Cut to the office]

Tina: Work hard, good things will come.

Nate: That’s just how it is, people.

Ted: Dylan, lip ring!

Dylan: Sorry Mr. Abby!

[Dylan rips the ring off his lips. He is bleeding]

[Cut to Ted]

Ted: Call me Ted.

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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