[Starts with Will sitting at a bar booth]
[Cut to Kate and Ego sitting across the booth]
Will: [Flirting] Hey, send them a round on me.
[Cut to Will]
I’m a guy. Yeah, I like to flirt a little bit, show my sassy side. That’s why when I hit the town, I give my regular jeans a night off.
[Cut to Kate and Ego]
[Cut to Will raising his glass to the ladies]
And put on my Wrangler Peekaboos!
[Will stands and walks away. There’s a hole on his jean’s back side. His butt is showing.]
[Will starts dancing]
Announcer: Introducing Wrangler Peekaboos for me. The all purpose male denim jeans will a fun flirty peekaboo window. To show a little extra crack.
[Cut to Bowen]
Bowen: It’s 2019. And I wanna feel sexy too. Is that so wrong?
[Bowen is wearing a Wrangler Peekaboos too]
Announcer: Finally a male pants with tasteful rear cleavage. Get them in styles like heart-shapred, key hole and football.
[Cut to Alex playing snooker]
Alex: I feel like me, and I like it. 8 ball, corner pocket.
Announcer: Now available in whale-tail.
Alex: I win.
Announcer: Don’t wear ’em with undies, don’t wear ’em backwards. And don’t be afraid to show your wild side. You’ve got it, now flaunt it. Crack is back.
[Ego is flirting with Alex]
Alex: Oh! Bull’s eye!
[Cut to an office]
Announcer: And coming soon to the work place, Peekaboo Pros, with business in the front, and party in the back. Wrangler Peekaboos, stop hiding and start saying, “Peekaboo.”