Cut for Time: Jeans Commercial

[Starts with Will sitting at a bar booth]

[Cut to Kate and Ego sitting across the booth]

Will: [Flirting] Hey, send them a round on me.

[Cut to Will]

I’m a guy. Yeah, I like to flirt a little bit, show my sassy side. That’s why when I hit the town, I give my regular jeans a night off.

[Cut to Kate and Ego]

[Cut to Will raising his glass to the ladies]

And put on my Wrangler Peekaboos!

[Will stands and walks away. There’s a hole on his jean’s back side. His butt is showing.]

[Will starts dancing]

Announcer: Introducing Wrangler Peekaboos for me. The all purpose male denim jeans will a fun flirty peekaboo window. To show a little extra crack.

[Cut to Bowen]

Bowen: It’s 2019. And I wanna feel sexy too. Is that so wrong?

[Bowen is wearing a Wrangler Peekaboos too]

Announcer: Finally a male pants with tasteful rear cleavage. Get them in styles like heart-shapred, key hole and football.

[Cut to Alex playing snooker]

Alex: I feel like me, and I like it. 8 ball, corner pocket.

Announcer: Now available in whale-tail.

Alex: I win.

Announcer: Don’t wear ’em with undies, don’t wear ’em backwards. And don’t be afraid to show your wild side. You’ve got it, now flaunt it. Crack is back.

[Ego is flirting with Alex]

Alex: Oh! Bull’s eye!

[Cut to an office]

Announcer: And coming soon to the work place, Peekaboo Pros, with business in the front, and party in the back. Wrangler Peekaboos, stop hiding and start saying, “Peekaboo.”


Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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