Aidy Bryant
Kenan Thompson
Kristen Stewart
Alex Moffat
Heidi Gardner
Kyle Mooney
[Starts with a video of a in house get together. Aidy is introducing her son to her friends]
Aidy: These are mommy’s co-workers. [Cut to Kenan, Kristen and Alex] Can you say hi?
Kenan: What’s up, buddy, you’re looking fresh.
[Cut to the boy laughing]
[Cut to Kristen]
Kristen: Hey, you look nice.
[Cut to everybody]
Alex: All right. Give me high five, buddy. [Alex and the boy gives high-five to each other] Ow, too strong.
Kenan: I bet you played football, right? [The boy nods his head]
Kristen: Yeah, and you go to school. That sucks.
[Cut to Aidy confused]
[Cut to Kristen]
Do you wear your clothes to school?
[The boy is scared of Kristen]
[Aidy takes her son away]
[Cut to Kristen]
Female voice: You have no idea how to talk to children?
[Kristen shakes her head ‘No’]
Does it make you feel like a bad person that you can’t?
[Kristen nods her head ‘Yes’]
It’s never too late to learn.
[Cut to iPad with an app “Duolingo”]
With the new duolingo for talking to children. The first app for grown people who need to learn how to talk to kids because their friends are starting to have them. Practice just five minutes a day and you’ll be a brat whisperer in no time.
[Cut to Kristen practicing in a cafe]
Kristen: Very cool, bud. Very cool, bud. Chicken fingers. Chicken fingers. I like your backpack.
Female voice: The one thing you know about talking to kids is you’re not allowed to call girls pretty but then it’s like, “What do you say?”
[Cut to a woman brings her daughter to Kristen in her office]
Kristen: You look not pretty. I mean, you’re smart. I mean, you’re an engineer one day.
[Cut to Heidi]
Heidi: Are you okay?
Kristen: I got this. [Cut to Kristen. She opens the app.] Just one second, sorry. Cool backpack!
[Cut to the girl smiling]
Female voice: Get a better sense of kids. Get a better sense of kids’ ages.
Voice from app: Identify the 12-year-old. Correct!
Female voice: Practice traditional greeting.
Voice from app: I got your nose!
Female voice: Build your stamina for long, meandering, pointless stories.
[Cut to Kristen and a girl speaking]
The girl: I really like the pizza they have too.
[Kristen looks at the app]
Kristen: Cool!
Female voice: In as little as six weeks you’ll be ready for all kinds of kinder conversations like friends new baby, the bus, dance recitals, child falls on sidewalk in front of you, public restaurants, airport gates, hot tub at vacation resorts, and child wearing big pink dress. Let’s face it. Kids are bad conversationalists. But you don’t have to be.
[Cut back to Aidy’s house with colleagues]
Kristen: So, I bet you like chicken fingers.
[Aidy’s son nods his head ‘Yes’]
[Cut to Kyle walking to the boy]
Kyle: Hey, high five.
[Kyle puts his palm near the boy’s face]
Too slow.
[Kyle is upset he can’t impress the boy]
[Cut to Kristen showing Kyle her app]
Female voice: Duo lingo for talking to kids, also available in–