Beth… Aidy Bryant
Tom… Beck Bennett
Kristen Stewart
Johnny… Kyle Mooney
[Starts with a clip of outside of house]
[Cut to inside the house.
[Beth is bringing snacks for Tom and Kristen]
Beth: Now this cheese is a Roquefort and a little bit of jam.
Tom: Yum, thanks sis. We’ve been so busy with the baby. it’s been forever since we’ve been here.
Kristen: Beth, your living room looks amazing. You painted.
Beth: I did.
Tom: Is it Benjamin Moore?
Beth: Benjamin Moore? [Cut to Beth] Baby brother, in this house I only use Farrow&Ball.
[Cut to everyone]
Kristen: Farrow&Ball, I don’t know that.
Beth: Oh, well you should. [Cut to Beth] It’s the high end British paint company that offers unparalleled depth in colour.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Oh, nice.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Each of their 132 colours colors work beautifully in new homes, both old and new.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: It sounds like you’re saying the word color but with the “U” in it.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Well, I am. That colour on the baseboard there is named after the fossils often found on the Dorset coast. And the wall colour, well that’s “Nobel blue” named after the Swirling British mists. What a colour.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: Maybe we should try Farrow&Ball.
Tom: yeah, maybe we should. Is it expensive?
[Cut to everybody]
Beth: Well, it’s premium. I mean you’re paying for quality.
Tom: Yeah, but how much is it, like $50 a gallon?
Kristen: No, that’s crazy, it’s just paint.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: This is not just paint. It’s Farrow&Ball.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Well, how much is it, Beth? $60?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: It’s $110 a gallon.
[Cut to everybody]
Tom: What! $110 for a can of paint, are you insane?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: No, I’m not insane.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: How much did it cost to paint this room, $800?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Well, you have to have the special primer, the brushes, and the factor in the shipping and the labour.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: They ship the paint? How much is that?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Well, you can’t just buy it anywhere. Look at the depth of colour.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: You can’t afford this, Charlotte. You are an out of work day bartender.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Wrong, I’m an aspiring estate manager.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: What is an estate manager?
Tom: She thinks she’s going to find a rich person and just live in their house. You are living in a dream world and you’ve painted it in that Jack Ass million dollar paint.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Don’t touch it! You’ll ruin it.
[Cut to Kristen]
Kristen: You can’t touch the paint?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: No. The finish is delicate. Once it’s touched, it must be redone.
[Cut to Tom]
Tom: Do you have any of the money mom left you?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: No.
Tom: No?
Beth: I don’t mean no. I mean I don’t know.
[Cut to Kristen]
Kristen: Don’t you rent this house?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: So? What does that mean?
[Cut to Tom]
Tom: It means you going to have to paint it back whatever colour– Now I’m saying it.
[Cut to everybody]
Kristen: Everyone just calm down.
Beth: He just wants me to live in Squalour.
[Johnny walks in]
Johnny: Can you guys all keep it down a little? I’m trying to sleep a little.
Tom: Who is this?
Beth: This is my friend.
Johnny: Johnny.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Are you sleeping with him?
[Cut to Beth and Johnny]
Beth: Of course. We met on Facebook marketplace.
Johnny: Just a little quiet, you guys.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Oh, my god. What is your life?
Kristen: Beth, we’re not mad, just a little worried about you.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Oh, don’t you effing judge me right now.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: Beth, I know we haven’t always gotten along, but we haven’t been around much because of the baby.
[Cut to everybody]
Beth: The baby’s not even his.
Tom: What?
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Kristen: Beth, that’s not what we’re talking about right now, we’re talking about Farrow&Ball.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: I’m not talking about Farrow&Ball anymore. I’m talking about how that baby has your trainer’s eyes.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Are you drunk?
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Yes! I was good for the first couple of minute buy yes, I am drunk. Now tell him.
[Cut to everybody]
Kristen: Beth!
Beth: Tell him. Look in his eyes, Tom.
Kristen: No, no, he’s sleeping, don’t look at his eyes.
[Cut to Beth]
Beth: Look at the colour of his eyes.
[Cut to Tom and Kristen]
Tom: Oh, my god, oh, my god.
Kristen: You’re dead.
[Cut to everybody]
Beth: Oh, you want to go, let’s go. Just don’t bump into the paint or you’ll ruin it.
[Beth and Kristen start fighting]
Tom: Go for it, Beth.
Female voice: Farrow&Ball, each colour tells a story.