War Zone Reporter | Season 44 Episode 19

Brooke Baldwin… Cecily Strong

Arthur Wentzel… Beck Bennett

Brian… Mikey Day

Lieutenant… Adam Sandler

[Starts with CNN news intro]

Narrator: This is a CNN special report.

[Cut to Brooke Baldwin in her news set]

Brooke Baldwin: Chaos in Tripoli this afternoon as multiple militias fight for control of the city. [Arthur Wentzel joins Brooke] Brooke Baldwin joined by former CIA analyst Arthur Wentzel.

Arthur Wentzel: Hello.

Brooke Baldwin: All satellite and internet communications in the region have been cut off but we were able to connect with our reporter in Tripoli via phone. [Cut to split screen. Brooke and Arthur are on the left side, Brian is on the right side] Brian, can you hear me?

Brian: Yes, hello, I’m here at the Mirador hotel with other journalists taking refuge from the war zone outside. [Cut to Brian] I apologize about the picture quality. I’m using a social streaming app on my phone that is somehow able to get through. [Sound of a blast]

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Brian, are you there?

Arthur Wentzel: Sounded like some sort of explosion.

Brooke Baldwin: Brian, are you okay? Y

[Cut to Brian streaming with a Snapchat filter]

Brian: Yes, I am okay. That was a mortar round. There is a lot of activity immediately outside of the hotel. Is everyone okay? I won’t lie. I’m very scared right now.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Brian, are you using Snapchat to connect with us?

[Cut to Brian streaming with another Snapchat filter]

Brian: I think so. Is there an issue with the video? I cannot see my screen. It was shattered as we fled our press convoy. Can you see me?

[Cut to split screen. Brooke and Arthur are on the left side, Brian is on the right side]

Arthur Wentzel: Yes, we can, and you look like, I want to say, Simon’s girlfriend from Alvin and the Chipmunks. It’s dumb, but I’m smiling.

[Cut to Brian streaming with another Snapchat filter]

Brian: Again, I’m sorry, I cannot see my screen. [Sound of breaking] Someone is trying to get into my room.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Brian, do you know who’s trying to get into your room?

Arthur Wentzel: And do you know if those filters free with the app or do you have to pay?

[Cut to Brian streaming with another Snapchat filter. Now, he is a birthday raccoon.]

Brian: Soldiers with guns have entered my room. I’m unarmed. I’m an American journalist. American!

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Okay, we seem to have lost the feed. We hope Brian is okay. Arthur, now as an expert in this region, what do you make of what we just saw?

Arthur Wentzel: Well, I believe that was a meerkat but it could have been a lemur. Either way, that’s the best one I’ve seen.

Brooke Baldwin: I’m being told the feed is back. Brian?

[Cut to Brian with Lieutenant.]

Brian: Yes, hello, this is a lieutenant in the people’s militia. He has agreed to speak with us.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Lieutenant, what is your organization fighting for?

[Cut to Lieutenant with a rainbow filter.]

Lieutenant: Freedom! Wait, I can see on the TV I look silly.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Yes, and we apologize. But lieutenant, if you gained power, would you promise to hold open elections?

[Cut to Lieutenant with another filter]

Lieutenant: Oh, my god, look how weird I am. [laughing] Can you imagine if I looked like this? Ha-ha-ha! I look like old-timey doctor who comes to your house with a bag.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Arthur Wentzel: Ha-ha-ha. I was going to say Ellis Island Immigrant but I see what you mean by old-timey doctor.

Brooke Baldwin: This is serious.

Arthur Wentzel: But he looks funny.

Brooke Baldwin: Lieutenant, if I may ask, who is in charge of your Militia?

[Cut to Lieutenant with another filter]

Lieutenant: Wait, wait. Our leader is here right now. Would you like to speak to her?

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Very much, yes, ma’am? Ma’am, are you there? Ma’am?

[Cut to Lieutenant with a girl filter]

Lieutenant: [In a woman’s voice] Hi, do you like my hair? Do you like my makeup?

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Arthur Wentzel: Hubba hubba.

[Cut to Lieutenant with a rabbit filter]

Lieutenant: I must go. But to the world I say this. Blood will never stop flowing until our people are free. Ha-ha! Funny dance! [Sound of explosion]

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Sounds like the fighting is close.

Arthur Wentzel: Yes, he’d better hop to it.

Brooke Baldwin: Brian, are you still there?

[Cut to Lieutenant with a hotdog filter]

Brian: Uh, yes. The fighting is in the hotel now. Soldiers are moving us to a new location. I’m unclear where I am going. Oh, my god, that’s a dead body. Kids, if you want to be a journalist, this is what it looks like. Brian Makins, live in Tripoli.

[Cut to Brooke and Arthur]

Brooke Baldwin: Stay safe, Brian. That was some brave reporting, plain and simple.

Arthur Wentzel: Not plain. He had mustard.

Brooke Baldwin: Go! Go! We’ll be right back. Out.

[Ends with CNN outro]

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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