Digital Exclusive- Rom-Com Trailer

Nick… Alex Moffat

[Starts with a short clip of New York city streets.]

Male voice: Meet Nick.

[Cut to Nick drinking coffee at home.]

Nick: And I’m late. Great!

Male voice: He hasn’t had the time to find the one until–

[Cut to Nick watching news.]

News reporter: New Yorkers are ordered to shelter in place until further notice.

Donald Trump: You know what? Staying at home leads to death also.

Nick: Great!

[Cut to Nick cleaning his apartment.]

Male voice: Fate intervened.

Nick: [on the phone] Well, my apartment’s clean again.

Bowen: Man, being single during quarantine sucks!

Nick: Tell me about it.

Bowen: I guess dating isn’t considered ‘essential.’ Alright, gotta run.

[Nick drops his cup and spills his drink]

Nick: Oh, dammit!

Male voice: Just when you think you’ll never find love, love finds you.

[someone whistles. Nick looks back. A guy is standing at the door. He’s just another version of him.]

Nick: Oh, hello. I’m Nick.

Guy: I know. I’ve seen you around.

Nick: And um– you like what you see?

Guy: Daddy likey. Daddy likey a mucho.

Male voice: Sometimes, all it takes is a global pandemic for a guy to finally fall in love.

[Cut to Nick and the guy in bed.]

Guy: Round two?

[Cut to Nick talking to Bowen on a videocall]

Nick: I’ve met someone. I don’t know, they’re pretty perfect. We have the same likes, dislikes, favorite foods.

Bowen: Wow!

Nick: I mean, same body, brain, soul, everything.

Bowen: Wait, what?

Nick: Gotta go.[hangs up]

Bowen: Oh, no.

Male voice: But sometimes, finding the one can get a little messy.

[Cut to Nick and the guy at the apartment. The guy is grabbing a beer.]

Nick: Oh, you’re having another one?

Guy: Yeah. Is there a problem?

Nick: No. It’s just noon.

Guy: Here we go.

[They start having an argument]

Male voice: Critics are calling it, “The best coronavirus rom-com of all time,” “The world’s first rom-cov,” “So relatable, it’s depressing.”

Guy: Oh, give me a break..

Nick: Don’t you– [Points at the guy, hurts his hand.] Ah! I think I have a carpal tunnel.

Guy: What?

Nick: I have to quarantine myself from you.

Guy: What? No.

[Nick walks into his room sobbing. He shuts the door and cries behind it.]

Guy: [knocking the door] Nick, let me in.

Nick: No, Nick. I don’t want to give this to you.

Guy: That’s not how carpal tunnel works. I–

Nick: You what?

Guy: I love you. Me. I love me.

Nick: [smiling] Say it again?

Guy: I love me.

Nick: I love me too.

[Nick opens the door.]

Guy: Daddy lovey amucho.

Male voice: Coming this Valentine’s Day. Wait, what month is it? May? Anyway, coming whenever, “Be My Quaran-tine?” Nice.

[Cut to Nick on his couch]

Nick: Okay, what do you want to watch?

Guy: You know. One, two, three.

Both: House Hunters International.

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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