Weekend Update- Smokey Robinson on Celebrating the Holidays

Michael Che

Smokey Robinson… Chris Redd

[Starts with Michael Che in his set]

Michael Che: The holidays are here. As we all know, there are many ways to celebrate. Here to talk to us about that is music legend, Smokey Robinson.

[Smokey Robinson slides in]

[cheers and applause]

Smokey Robinson: [singing] Oh, baby, baby.

Michael Che: Hey, Smokey. Thanks for joining us.

Smokey Robinson: Ah! I bet you didn’t expect me to sing today, did you?

Michael Che: That’s the one thing I definitely thought would happen. Now, smokey, I’m surprised you’re here to talk about the holidays after a cameo went viral of you saying Chanukkah instead of Hanukkah.

Smokey Robinson: Yes, Michael. I did mess up, Michael. But the word, it’s a crazy looking word. In my first grade, teacher always told me to sound it out. And that method has never failed me until now, but it was an opportunity to learn.

Michael Che: What do you mean?

Smokey Robinson: Well, I did some research. The internet has some fantastic resources like Google and Wikipedia. Turns out, it’s not pronounced Chanukkah, it’s Hanukkah. And there’s a whole race of people that have been celebrating it for thousands of years.

Michael Che: Wait. Are you just now hearing about Jewish people?

Smokey Robinson: Hold up. You know about Jewish people already?

Michael Che: Of course, I know about Jewish people. I work in show business.

Smokey Robinson: Oh. You young people are something else. When I was growing up, all we had was white people. Skinny white, fat white, mean white, nice white, off white. That was it.

Michael Che: Smokey, that can’t be true.

Smokey Robinson: It is. I only heard about Jewish people this week. But I’ve been doing a lot of research over the last three days and there’s probably things you don’t know. They are wonderful people, Michael. You hear about– They got their own little hats called ya-moe-keys to show their devotion to god?

Michael Che: You mean yarmulkes.

Smokey Robinson: You say tomato, I say tumortoa.

Michael Che: Nobody says that, Smokey.

Smokey Robinson: Ay, you think you know everything? Well, if you knew the whole story, you wouldn’t have that tone.

Michael Che: What tone?

Smokey Robinson: Michael, I see you smirking because you think the Jewish people had easy road. You think it’s all light in the mano-ran and spinning the draden.

Michael Che: Draden, Smokey?

Smokey Robinson: [singing] Draden, draden, draden
I made you our of clay

Now, although I sound beautiful, it’s more to it than that. I read a pretty bad time with Jewish had went through.

Michael Che: Smokey, I thought you were coming to give us ideas for holiday gifts or something.

Smokey Robinson: Oh, my goodness. You’re right. You’re right. But you gotta realize this season, it isn’t about gifts, Michael. No. It’s about reflecting and loving your life. This year I’m playing to get my children and go to my Jewish place of worship. You may call it a swag along or tem-play and enjoy some potato lash keys and monster ball soup.

Michael Che: Monster balls? I hardly understood what you read and that sounds kind of nice.

Smokey Robinson: Also, I saw your mother. She said she can’t wait to see you on Crimans AV.

Michael Che: Christmas eve?

Smokey Robinson: I don’t know, man.

Michael Che: Smokey Robinson, everyone.

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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