A Peek at Pico

Vanessa… Melissa Villsaeñor

Sofia… Selena Gomez

Chad Mitchell… Mikey Day

[Starts with Vanessa and Sofia in their show set]

Vanessa: Ay, Welcome to A Peek at Pico, Pico Rivera’s number one public access talk show. I’m Vanessa.

Sofia: I’m Sofia. And on this show, we talk about everything happening in Pico Rivera from the good…

Vanessa: To the bad. So like what do you get into this weekend, chica?

Sofia: I got a new eyeliner.

Vanessa: I was gonna say, I saw that. It looks good.

Sofia: Yeah, well, the eyeliner poked me in the eye.

Vanessa: Aw, that’s sad.

Sofia: Sad. Okay, we gotta go talk to Chad.

Vanessa: Yeah, Chad’s outside right now. Bienvenidos, Chad.

Chad: Hi, yeah, this is Chad Mitchell reporting live from Pico Park. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining. Families have been coming to this park for generations.

Vanessa: That’s good.

Chad: Yes. But city officials…

Vanessa and Sofia: [interrupting] Bye, Chad.

Chad: Wait!

Vanessa: Okay, we’re gonna bring out a guest. She hangs out at the library with the books. Bienvenidos, Becca.

[Becca walks in with some books]

Becca: Hi. [cheers and applause] Thanks for having me. I want to clarify, though, that I’m a librarian. I don’t just hang out with books.

Vanessa: Oh, that’s good.

Sofia: Yeah. Because when I heard that, I was like, that’s sad.

Vanessa: Sad. Yeah, so Becca, what’s up with all these books?

Becca: Well, these are some summer reading books we have at the library.

Sofia: Like what?

Becca: Well, this one is the giver.

Vanessa: Damn, what’s that about?

Becca: It’s a book about a society where no one can see colors.

Sofia: That’s sad.

Vanessa: Sad.

Becca: Yes, it is. But then one day…

Vanessa: [interrupting] They can see purple though, right?

Becca: No, they can’t see purple.

Sofia: That’s sad. I love purple.

Vanessa: Oh, do you guys have “Cat in the Hat”? That book is so funny.

Becca: Well, yes, we do have the Cat in the Hat.

Sofia: Oh, that’s good.

Becca: Well, you know we also have…

Vanessa and Sofia: [interrupting] Bye Becca.

[Becca leaves]

Sofia: Okay, now we’re gonna go back to Chad.

Vanessa: Yeah, Chad’s outside right now.

Chad: Yeah, actually, you kind of cut me off earlier. See, local news stories usually start with a couple of descriptive sentences to set the scene before transitioning into the actual news story.

Vanessa and Sofia: Oh, okay.

Chad: Okay. So city officials…

Vanessa and Sofia: [interrupting] Bye, Chad.

Chad: Seriously?

Sofia: Okay, we got another guest now. He makes music but he doesn’t even sing. He just raps. Bienvenidos, Lil’ Hub Cap.

Lil’ Hub Cap: What’s up? What’s up? What’s up Pico Rivera? It’s your boy Lil’ Hub Cap.

Vanessa: Damn, look at you. So you got an album out or something?

Lil’ Hub Cap: Yeah, my music is inspired by my struggle. See, my dad wasn’t around much. And when he was, he was mean.

Sofia: Hmm, your dad was a bad man.

Lil’ Hub Cap: My dad was Batman?

Sofia: No, not Batman. Your dad was a bad man.

Venessa: Yeah, you had a bad dad. That’s sad. But then you turn your bad dad into rap, that’s good.

Lil’ Hub Cap: Yo, I didn’t catch all that. I’ma just do my song.

Vanessa: You can do right here.

Lil’ Hub Cap: Alright.

[music playing]

[rapping] I grew up with nothing

Vanessa and Sofia: That’s sad.

Lil’ Hub Cap: But now I got it all

Vanessa and Sofia: That’s good

Lil’ Hub Cap: But I still feel like nothing

Vanessa and Sofia: That’s sad

Lil’ Hub Cap: But I’m standing tall

Vanessa and Sofia: That’s good

Lil’ Hub Cap: Hub Cap, skrr skrr

Peace out, y’all.

[cheers and applause]

Rebecca: Wow, that was sad but it made me feel good.

Sofia: Yeah, it’s cathartic.

Rebecca: Cathartic?

Sofia: Yeah.

Rebecca: What’s cathartic?

Sofia: That’s when it’s good to be sad.

Rebecca: Oh, that’s good. Okay, we’re gonna talk to Chad because he’s outside right now. Hey Chad, what’s going on with the park?

Chad: Really? You’re actually going to let me do the story?

Selena: Yeah, we want to know.

Chad: Okay, well, I’m here in Pico park where the sun is shining and the birds are chirping.

Rebecca: Okay, we’re out of time.

Chad: Of course we are.

Vanessa and Sofia: Bye, Chad.

Vanessa: Okay, our show’s over now. Sophia, you can go meet up with your man.

Sofia: Okay. Ai! I poked my eye again.

Vanessa: That’s sad.

Sofia: That’s sad.

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