Jennifer Coolidge Is Impressed by Christmas Stuff

Jennifer Coolidge… Chloe Fineman

Male voice: And now, Jennifer Coolidge is impressed by Christmas Stuff.

Jennifer Coolidge: Hi, I’m Jennifer Coolidge. I love Christmas.

[Stockings] Oh, look at this. A big sock full of gifts. You know the ultimate stocking stuffer is a foot.

[Christmas Lights] Christmas lights, so colorful. You know, one year I got the blinking ones. I left my Christmas tree out all night and learn my cat was epileptic,

[Christmas Carol] That’s really good. Did you write this song?

Michael: Did I write Jingle Bells?

Jennifer Coolidge: Yeah?

Michael: No.

Jennifer Coolidge: You know who did?

Michael: I don’t know. Some guy.


Jennifer Coolidge: Umm, a big cup of eggnog. Kind of weird. Tastes like I’m drinking Santa’s [bleep].

[Menorah] Oh, happy birthday. I forgot to make a wish.

[Christmas Present] Oh wow. Christmas present. It could be anything in here. I want to shake it. Give me some music. [starts shaking the gift] Sounds like an antique doll with one eye. [opens the gift] Oh, I was right..

Male voice: Merry Christmas from Jennifer Coolidge.

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