Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 5
Loudon Wainwright III performs “Bicentennial”
…..Robert Klein
…..Loudon Wainwright III
[ Robert Klein stands next to Loudon Wainwright III on the stage ]
Robert Klein: And, now, a song from my new friend – Loudon Wainwright.
[ the audience applauds as Klein rushes off the stage, and Wainwright begins his song ]
Loudon Wainwright III:
“Hey, we’re gonna have an anniversary
Yes, it’s gonna be a bicentennial
Hey, America’s having a birthday
Gonna be 200 years old
Isn’t it wonderful?
Oh, you know it certainly is.
Goodness, what a wonderful country
Wow, what a nifty history
Gee, it’s a powerful nation
And it’s been 200 years now
Isn’t it wonderful?
Oh, you know it certainly is.
Well, I relived my country’s history
In a class called Social Studies
And I learned the Pledge of Allegience
And I sing my natinal anthem:
“My country ’tis of thee.”
Yes, you know we have our heroes
I mean, Washington and Lincoln
And including Audie Murphy
And including old Jack Ruby
Wasn’t he wonderful?
Oh, you know, he certainly was.
So, let’s hear it for Ohio
And the rippling redwood forest
Or the Sawmill River Parkway
Oklahoma’s strange panhandle
Aren’t they all wonderful?
Oh, yeah, yeah yeah!
Yes, we’re gonna have an anniversary
Yes, it’s gonna be a bicentennial
Hey, America’s having a birthday
Gonna be 200 years old
Isn’t it wonderful?
Oh, you know it certainly, certainly is!”