Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 10
75j: Buck Henry / Bill Withers, Toni Basil, The Blues Brothers
…..Gilda Radner
…..Jane Curtin
Judy…..Laraine Newman
[ open on housewife testimonial ]
Housewife: I thought I was going to DIE! It was MY turn to entertain the Bridge Club, when….
[ dissolve to flashback: Housewife answers the door to her friends who have arrived for their Bridge game ]
[ greetings are made, as the women enter ]
Jane: [ sniffing the air ] She served liver and fried onions again last night.
Judy: It smells like an armpit.
[ Housewife stares at the camera with an apprehensive look on her face ]
Housewife: She was right.
Judy: Your home needs a deodorizer — QUICKLY!
Housewife: I’d like it to smell better, Judy, but lately I’ve been reading so much about the dangers of aerosol sprays, that I’m afraid.
Judy: Your worries are over — there’s something new.
[ Judy exits the house, then returns with a dolly carting a huge tube of Germasol ]
Judy: New Germasol Roll-On will get rid of embarrassing house odors.
[ dissolve to the two women standing by the curtains ]
Judy: Just once in the morning, and you’re house will smell GREAT!
[ Judy rolls Germasol up and down one of the curtains ]
Judy: And your walls will remain dry ALL DAY!
[ Judy rolls Germasol up and down the wall ]
Judy: And it kills bacteria without the hazards of aerosol.
[ Judy rolls Germasol across a desk ]
Housewife: [ smiling ] Judy! It smells better already!
Announcer: Germasol Roll-On. Now with three handy sizes: [ over images of houses ] Cape Cod… Colonial… and Condominium.
[ fade ]