SNL Transcripts: Peter Boyle: 02/14/76: Goodnights

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 1: Episode 13

75m: Peter Boyle / Al Jarreau


…..Peter Boyle

[ Boyle stands alone at Home Base ]

Peter Boyle: We’re running a little late now. There’s a friend of mine that’s very dear to me, who’s flown all the way in from San Francisco, and I’d like to wish her a lot of luck, and say hello to her. [ raises his arm towards the audience ] Patty, will you stand up?

[ cut to the audience, where a Patty Hearst look-a-like, shackled with handcuffs, stands, smiles and waves to the audience ]

Peter Boyle V/O: Thank you!

[ cut back to Boyle on stage ]

Peter Boyle: Thanks, Patty. Well, that.. that’s our.. that’s our Valentine’s Day. It’s really, it’s really been wonderful what they — hi.

[ the cast of Saturday Night Live, Al Jarreau, and two of the Shapiro Sisters run up on stage to join Boyle ]

Happy Valentine’s Day.

The Cast: Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Peter Boyle: Good night, Mom!

Al Jarreau: Good night, Susan!

Helena & Jenny Shapiro: [ looking offstage for their missing sister ] Emily!

[ John Belushi leans in for a kiss from both young ladies ]

[ Helena turns to Al Jarreau for help finding her sister, he smiles back at her ]

[ Chevy Chase, who has been standing in the rear of the group, ducks under everyone and pops his head between Helena and Jenny’s arms ]

Chevy Chase: Where’s Emily?

[ John Belushi pulls Gilda Radner in for a bear hug, dropping her to the floor ]

[ Chevy Chase glances around the studio with Helena and Jenny, as they finally spot Emily offstage and wave her towards them ]

Jenny Shapiro: Emily!

Chevy Chase: Emily!

Helena Shapiro: Emily!

Chevy Chase: Emily! Come here! Emily!

[ Emily rushes onto the stage to join her sisters in a tight bond with Chevy Chase, as he points her toward the camera ]

[ the closing music pots up, as Chevy Chase lifts Emily up on his shoulders and the credits begin to scroll over them ]

Don Pardo V/O: The Shapiro Sisters mimed Natalie Cole, soon on Capitol Records. This is Don Pardo – good night.

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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