Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 14
75n: Desi Arnaz / Desi Arnaz, Jr.
Bisexual Minute
…..Jane Curtin
[ open on Jane Curtin ]
Jane Curtin: Hello. 200 years ago today, a young woman named Hester Catchbull put down her butter churn and picked up a musket. She raised her weapon in the cause of freedom, and leveled it at her husband Dan Catchbull, who was attempting to prevent her from leaving him. When he found himself staring down the barrell of his grandfather’s Blunderbuss, Dan soon relented, and Hester ran off with an itinerant lacemaker named Maryann Mackleroy. Hester and Maryann set up housekeeping over a dressmaker’s shop in Boston. Later, Hester’s daughter Margaret came to live with them. But Hester always regretted that the laws of the day kept them from having a church wedding. In a letter to her mother, explaining how she could abandon her husband for another woman, Hester confided: “One day, as I was emptying out the butter churn and the chamber pots, something in my head suddenly went “Click!”
And that’s the way it was, 200 years ago today.
[ dissovle to art card ]
Announcer: The preceding has been a Bisexual Minute.