Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 15]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
A Film By:
Bit Players:
February 28th, 1976
Jill Clayburgh
Leon Redbone
The Singing Idlers
Andy Kaufman
Gary Weis
Edie Baskin
Lorne Michaels
William Wegman
Rosie Shuster
Alan Zweibel
Season 1: Order Now!
No More Falls
Summary: Tired of playing a buffoon on SNL, Chevy Chase tells Lorne Michaels he won’t be doing any more falls for the show.
Jill Clayburgh’s MonologueSummary: Don Pardo’s game-show descriptions accentuate Jill Clayburgh’s story of her date with him.
Great Moments In Herstory ITranscript
Jill Carson, Guidance Counselor!
Leon Redbone performs “Ain’t Misbehavin'”
White Guilt Relief FundSummary: Speaking as a representative of slavery, Garrett Morris says he’ll be happy to accept guilt funds from white people everywhere.
Great Moments In Herstory IISummary: Isadora Duncan (Jill Clayburgh) chooses a fateful scarf.
Weekend Update with Chevy ChaseSummary: Laraine Newman reports from a vacant New Hampshire a week after the Primary. Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) says she opposes the “deaf” penalty.
Recurring Characters: Emily Litella.
H & L BrockSummary: Lowell Brock (John Belushi) and the H & L Brock tax team show how you can claim your home as a church and use it as a tax write-off.
The Singing Idlers perform “Semper Paratus”
Jill Clayburgh & The Singing Idlers perform “Sea Cruise”
Car YummiesTranscript
The MuppetsSummary: The Muppets couldn’t be here this week, so Chevy Chase takes their place, using his bare hands to enact a scene titled “Paying the Milkman.”
Gary Weis Film
Andy KaufmanSummary: Andy Kaufman pulls up four members of the audience to lip-synch to an old recording of “Old MacDonald.”
The RestaurantSummary: While on a date, a woman (Jill Clayburgh) wonders what her boyfriend (Chevy Chase) is thinking about.
Triple-TracSummary: The three-blade razor is designed for people who’ll believe anything they see.
Note: Repeat from 10/11/75.
Leon Redbone performs “Big Time Woman”
Great Moments In Herstory III
“The Mr. Bill Show”Summary: In a film by home viewer Walter Williams, clayman Mr. Bill is tortured by Mr. Hands and Sluggo.
Grable & Lombard/GoodnightsSummary: Betty Grable (Jane Curtin) and Carole Lombard (Jill Clayburgh) are married in a new TV-movie sneak-peek.