Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 15
75o: Jill Clayburgh / Leon Redbone
H&L Brock
Lowell Brock…..John Belushi
[ open on Lowell Brock leafing through the pages of thick tax books from his bookshelf ]
Lowell Brock: Hi. I’m Lowell Brock, of H&L Brock. With more of my seventeen reasons why you should bring your taxes to us, instead of H&R Block.
[ he sits in red leather chair, as SUPER appears ]
Reason #13: The H&L Brock Church and Synagogue.
The IRS does not require churches and synogogues to keep financial records. In 1957, my brother Henry became the first priest of Our Lady of the Holy Rebate. And, in 1963, our partner, Saul Weinstein, was ordained rabbi of Temple Banai Shalom Brock. If you are a wealthy religious person, you may want to make a large donation to either of these houses of worship, and claim it as a deduction. We will then kick back 95% of the donation, keeping the rest as payment of our services. Saving you a bundle on your returns. You can cheat on your taxes and look like a saint.
So come to H&L Brock You’ll thank the Lord you did.
[ SUPER: “H&L Brock. The Tax Fraud People” ]
[ fade ]
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