SNL Transcripts: Raquel Welch: 04/24/76

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 1: Episode 18

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


Bit Players:

April 24th, 1976

Racquel Welch

Phoebe Snow

John Sebastian

The Muppets

Lorne Michaels

Michael O’Donoghue

Alan Zweibel
Awards SketchSummary: Chevy Chase is angered by a request to hurry through his well-written sketch to do the fall.



Raquel Welch’s MonologueSummary: Racquel Welch and Joe Cocker (John Belushi) sing “Superstar.”

Recurring Characters: Joe Cocker.

Purina Rat ChowSummary: The Pied Piper (Chevy Chase) promotes Purina Rat Chow to a slum couple (Gilda Radner, Garrett Morris) who are concerned about the lack of rats in their apartment.

The DecabetSummary: Joseph Franklin (Dan Aykroyd) introduces the new metric alphabet.

Recurring Characters: Joseph Franklin.


The MuppetsSummary: While flirting with Raquel Welch, Scred and Ploobis are told they’ve been fired from the show. Chevy Chase tries to convince Raquel to remove her shirt.


Phoebe Snow performs “All Over”

The Claudine Longet InvitationalSummary: Sports footage showcasing skiers falling down alleges their accidentally being shot by Claudine Longet.


Great Moments In Herstory

Weekend Update with Chevy ChaseSummary: Laraine Newman analyzes election results. Baba Wawa (Gilda Radner) admits that Tom Snyder’s hair bothers her. John Belushi rants about the weather.

Recurring Characters: Barbara Walters.

Bisexual Moment

John Sebastian performs “Welcome Back”Recurring Characters: Joe Cocker.

Beatles OfferSummary: Lorne Michaels offers a check for $3,000 for The Beatles to appear on SNL.

Note: According to legend, John Lennon and Paul McCartney were watching SNL together, and considered it might be fun to take Lorne Michaels up on his offer. Neil Levy was actually dispatched to the lobby in case any members of The Beatles did show up and weren’t recognized by the elderly security guard. Had any of The Beatles show up, Michaels said the joke would have entailed their not being able to play because union rules wouldn’t allow them to use studio equipment. Michaels ups the ante a few episodes later, and gag references would be made in later years when George Harrison and Paul McCartney appeared individually as musical guests.


One Flew Over The Hornet’s NestSummary: Nurse Ratched (Raquel Welch) won’t let the Bees watch the Academy Awards on TV.

Recurring Characters: Bees.

Gilda’s Equal Time

Gary Weis Film

Phoebe Snow performs “Two-Fisted Love”

Raquel Welch performs “Ain’t Necessarily So”

The MuppetsSummary: The Mighty Favog convinces Scred and Ploobis to pack it in and quit SNL.



SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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