Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 20
75t: Dyan Cannon / Leon & Mary Russell
Dyan’s Dream I
…..Dyan Cannon
…..Dan Aykroyd
Dyan Cannon: One of my favorite parts of being in the studio this week has been listening to the music of Leon and Mary Russell.
[ Dan Aykroyd walks up, wearing a dark trenchcoat and clutching the area by his neck ]
Dan Aykroyd: [ speaking hoarsely ] You know.. dreams really do come true, you know. [ Dyan laughs ] Drams really do come true —
Dyan Cannon: Dan —
Dan Aykroyd: And I’m a part of your dream now.
Dyan Cannon: Danny. It is not “a man comes up to me, and he is hoarse.”
Dan Aykroyd: Oh. It’s not?
Dyan Cannon: No, it’s not. It’s “a man rides up to me on a big, white horse.”
Dan Aykroyd: Well, I couldn’t hear that monologue backstage. You know what I mean? Uh.. Lorne was on the phone with Brian Epstein – I was listening in, you know? I’m just a guy looking for a little ray of California sunshine, if you know what I mean.
Dyan Cannon: Listen, that was really nice of you, though. I appreciate you trying.
Dan Aykroyd: Okay. [ exits stage ]
Dyan Cannon: Thank you. No, that was sweet. Okay! Now, Leon and Mary Russell.