SNL Transcripts: Louise Lasser: 07/24/76

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 1: Episode 23

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Air Date:


Musical Guest:

Special Guests:


Bit Players:

July 24th, 1976

Louise Lasser

Preservation Hall Jazz Band


Joe Dicso

Michael Sarrazin

Lorne Michaels

Tom Schiller

Alan Zweibel

Season 1: Order Now!free website hit counter Back From VacationSummary: Back from summer vacation, John Belushi and Chevy Chase attempt to patch their differences with a friendly handshake.



Louise Lasser’s MonologueSummary: Louise Lasser falls apart after the cue card with her personal story is switched, and sulks to her dressing room. Members of the cast try to coax her out, including the Land Shark (Chevy Chase), who is able to fool her into doing so.

Recurring Characters: Land Shark.


General Idi “V.D.” AminSummary: General Idi Amin (Garrett Morris) comments on his bout with syphilis.

Recurring Characters: Idi Amin.


Fooling DeathSummary: Lovers Sven (Chevy Chase) and Inger (Louise Lasser) send Death (Tom Schiller) out for pizza.


Human Hair PotholdersSummary: Sandra Goode (Jane Curtin) and Squeaky Fromme (Laraine Newman) advertise their product from the tranquility of their prison cell.

Recurring Characters: Squeaky Fromme.

Woman & DogSummary: Louise Lasser performs a scene with her dog.

Cathode Ray TubeSummary: Laraine Newman, Gilda Radner, and Jane Curtin sing their ode to the cathode ray tube.

Weekend Update with Chevy ChaseSummary: John Belushi interviews Olga Korbut (Gilda Radner) following her defeat by newcomer Nadia Comanici. Fake footage uses toys to recreate the Viking I spacecraft landing on top of its Mars welcome committee.

Teen TalkSummary: Teenagers Jane (Jane Curtin) and Gilda (Gilda Radner) talk about boys.


The DinerSummary: In a film of her own design, Louise Lasser rambles incoherently in a diner.

John Belushi’s WardrobeSummary: To make ends meet, John Belushi offers wardrobe he’s worn on “Saturday Night Live” for sale.


Carter’s CampaignSummary: From his basement, Jimmy Carter (Dan Aykroyd) tells viewers about his campaign for the presidency.

Recurring Characters: Jimmy Carter.

Preservation Hall Jazz Band performs “Panama”

Mary, MarySummary: Louise Lasser rambles on about the past year of her life.



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Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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