Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 1: Episode 24
75x: Kris Kristofferson / Rita Coolidge
Gynecologist Blind Date
Judy…..Jane Curtin
Gynecologist…..Kris Kristofferson
[In her apartment, Judy sits on the sofa and talks onthe phone.]
Judy: Margie, listen, he’s in the bathroom so I’ve gotto talk fast. Okay, remember how Eileen said that thiswould be the greatest blind date of my life — he’scute, he’s fun, he’s a doctor? He’s my gynecologist…. Because she never told me his last name, that’swhy! … Well, nothing’s happened so far except hesaid my pap test came out okay. … Well, I don’tknow, it’s just so awkward. I mean, the last time Isaw his face, it was coming up between my knees. …It’s embarrassing. I just don’t know if I can gothrough– [a door opens] I gotta get off — he’scoming. [quickly hangs up, pretends to read amagazine]
Gynecologist: [enters] Well, “Silent Movie” comes onat eight o’clock and, uh, “The Omen” — it might bea–
Judy: I-I-I-I, um, I don’t think I can go through withthis.
Gynecologist: What?
Judy: Going out with you. Going out with mygynecologist.
Gynecologist: Why? [joins Judy on sofa]
Judy: Well … because … I don’t even know whatmovie we’re seeing yet and you’ve already gotten tothird base.
Gynecologist: Hey, uh, Judy, all I did was perform aprofessional service for ya, just like an accountant.It’s like, it’s like if you were datin’ youraccountant.
Judy: Hey, I wouldn’t mind if you’d seen the inside ofmy checkbook.
Gynecologist: Look, let’s talk about somethin’ else,change the subject. That’s a great lookin’ shirt yagot on.
Judy: Well, are you sure? You’ve never seen me inanything but white paper. Hey, doesn’t it ever get toyou? I mean, knowing that you’ve seen the inside of my…
Gynecologist: Judy, I see these things all the time.
Judy: Well, that’s the difference. To you, they’re”these things.” To me, they’re MY things.
Gynecologist: Now, I didn’t mean it that way. It’sjust like if– I mean, imagine lookin’ at thirty orforty “things” a day, you know? Uh, if you can’t– Ifyou’re worryin’ about what I remember about yours, youknow, I can’t even remember which one it was.
Judy: You can’t?
Gynecologist: Promise.
Judy: That is a relief.
Gynecologist: Whew. [Judy sighs] Well, if you want tosee “Silent Movie,” we ought to go right now.
Judy: You really can’t remember … one thing?
Gynecologist: Uh uh. Uh uh.
Judy: Not even about the, uh, other half?
Gynecologist: Well, who could forget those, darlin’?Ha ha! Jokin’, of course, I’m only kidding, you see.
Judy: Oh.
Gynecologist: Hey, wait a minute. Are you mad becauseI DON’T remember, now?
Judy: Oh! No-ho-ho-ho! It’s wonderful to know that theman who probably has the most intimate contact withyour body can’t remember one thing.
Gynecologist: Good God, Judy, I’m a doctor. I can’tthink of my patients sexually. I have to think of ’emobjectively.
Judy: Sure.
Gynecologist: Well, you know what? You know what youare? You’re thinkin’ like everybody else thinks. Youthink it was a choice for me of either bein’ agynecologist or some dirty old man in an all-nightmovie with a newspaper on my lap. It was not thatchoice. Do you know what it was like for me in school?All my friends made me write down everything I saw sothey could read it in the bathroom later. And theother residents, man, they thought THEY were workin’but I was gettin’ a little.
Judy: Well?
Gynecologist: Well, every time I went out on a date,any woman that I was ever out with eventually gotaround to asking why I was ever interested in bein’ agynecologist and, uh, did I think about it a lot whenI was a little boy? Did I want to be one then? Did Ihave bad thoughts? You know, DO I have bad thoughts,you know?
Judy: [perhaps a little hopeful] Do ya?
Gynecologist: Doesn’t everybody? You do, admit it.
Judy: Well, I don’t think that I necessarily–
Gynecologist: All the time you have bad thoughts! Comeon, you could be havin’ ’em right now. Look at the wayyou cross your legs.
Judy: Well, no, I–
Gynecologist: In fact, that’s probably why you startedthis whole damn thing — you’re tryin’ to get in myknickers. I’m teasin’.
Judy: It’s not that I haven’t noticed you. I – I haveoccasionally peeked over the sheet — once.
Gynecologist: [laughs] Aha! You see, we’re gettin’down to the nitty gritty. [decides to confess] Hey,you wanna– If it’ll make you feel better, you know–Nobody ever got fixed up with their gynecologist byaccident. I felt funny about this thing and somebodyfixed us up — for me. That’s all.
Judy: Do you mean that?
Gynecologist: Yeah. When you was peekin’ over thesheet, I was peekin’ under it. [takes her hand] Hey,can we be friends about it?
Judy: Yeah.
Gynecologist: Can we go to the movies?
Judy: Yeah.
Gynecologist: Let’s get out.
[Holding hands, they rise and go to the door. He opensit for her. Halfway out the door, Judy stops and turnsto him, very pleased.]
Judy: You DID notice.
[She turns, head held high, and exits. He follows herout, shutting the door behind him. We pan across theempty room and off the set to the applauding audience.A superimposition reads: COMING UP NEXT… PIGGY BANKSFOR SWINE FLU VACCINE.]
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