Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Episode 2]]>
Air Date:
Musical Guest:
Special Guests:
Bit Players:
September 25th, 1976
Norman Lear
Boz Scaggs
Jean Stapleton
Carroll O’Connor
Richard Crenna
Bernadette Peters
Nancy Walker
Sherman Hemsley
Isabel Sanford
Bea Arthur
Eric Idle
Kate Lear
Tom Schiller Chevy’s Telephone Fall
Summary: Because Chevy Chase is on medical leave after hurting himself during a fall on last week’s show, Gilda Radner plans to take the fall for him tonight. Chevy calls from his hospital room to to stop Gilda, and offers an alternative solution.
Norman Lear’s MonologueSummary: Norman Lear presents a video documentary that reveals how the actors on his sitcoms really feel about him.
Note: Bea Arthur and Bernadatte Peters would later host “SNL” in 1979 and 1981.
Bio: Norman Lear (1922-). Television writer/producer; his popular television productions include: “All in the Family” (1971-79) and its spin-off series “Maude” (1972-78), “Good Times” (1974-79), “The Jeffersons” (1975-85), “Archie Bunker’s Place” (1979-83).
Paid Political AnnouncementSummary: Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter (Dan Aykroyd) tells a crowd about the women he’s lusted after, and even flirts with a few new ones.
Recurring Characters: Jimmy Carter.
Boz Scaggs performs “Lowdown”Bio: Boz Scaggs (1944-). Singer/songwriter; participated in the first two albums by The Steve Miller Band, before securing a solo contract in 1968; released the album “Silk Degrees” in 1976.
The Snake-Handling O’SheasSummary: Writer #456 (Tom Schiller) sells Norman Lear on a new sitcom idea: members of the O’Shea Family, who are the last of Pittsburgh’s snakehandling family units.
Next WeekSummary: Gilda Radner announces that Eric Idle is hosting next week’s show.
Weekend Update with Jane CurtinSummary: Laraine Newman finds that Times Square is quiet during the Rosh Hashanah celebration.
Chevy’s GirlsSummary: Norman Lear performs a pratfall in honor of Chevy Chase’s absence during his hospitalization. Chevy’s Girls Gilda Radner, Laraine Newman, and Jane Curtin sing a pop tune about wishisg that he were falling for them.
The Metric Leisure WeekSummary: Joseph Franklin (Dan Aykroyd) demonstrates how the new metric time conversion will change lives for the better.
Recurring Characters: Joseph Franklin.
Yankee Doodle SlapstickSummary: Gary Weis’ film features the cast performing slapstick while he hums “Yankee doodle Dandy” over the phone.
The Violent AttorneySummary: An abusive divorce lawyer (John Belushi) beats up his female client (Gilda Radner) so her testimony will be believable.
Boz Scaggs performs “What Can I Say?”
Rhodesian Peace TalksSummary: Henry Kissinger (John Belushi) desperately tries to maintain order during the peace talks between Ian Smith (Dan Aykroyd) and Joshua Nkomo (Garrett Morris).
Recurring Characters: Henry Kissinger.
Family JokeSummary: Norman Lear and his daughter Kate attempt to tell an old joke together.
“Spanish Peanuts”Summary: In a home movie by John Brister, stop-action peanuts have the time of their life.