SNL Transcripts: Norman Lear: 09/25/76: Paid Political Announcement

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 2: Episode 2

76b: Norman Lear / Boz Scaggs

Paid Political Announcement

Written by: Rosie Shuster

Jimmy Carter…..Dan Aykroyd

[ SUPER: “Paid Political Announcement” ]

Jimmy Carter: Uh, hi there, everybody. It’s good to see your faces. Tonight I want to talk to you about a timeless Democratic tradition – sexual performance in the White House! [ smiles and salutes the crowd ] I am going to personally try to be a lusty, zesty kind of president, and follow.. [ winks at girl in the crowd ] Hi, baby. How are you? [ returns to speech ] ..and follow the lusty example of LBJ, JFK, and FDR. I want you to remember for a moment the love life of Harry Truman, and my guess is that his First Lady was one satisfied customer! [ makes kissing gestures to girls in the crowd ]

It is in my heart that I have commited adultery, and that God forgives me, and.. um.. I forgot to add when I said that, that I have worn women’s clothing.. [ pauses and smiles ] ..and I look very beautiful in it, too! I dont know why I said that, but I think that in the long run it will help me get elected!

You know, when stopping like this, I have had the opportunity to lust after a lot of women in America, and I have found that.. “East coast girls are really hip, I really dig the styles they wear..” [ pauses and smiles ] “..and the Northern girls, with the way they look, they keep me warm up there..” [ clicks along ] “I wish they all could be California girls!”

So far in my campaign, I have only fantisized. But now I actually look forward to some of the girls I’ve lusted after. Saucy vixens like Helena Kazan, Sheri Lewis, Phyliss Newman – actually, I’m not sure God ever forgave me for Phyliss Newman. But I want you to look at our Democratic figures – FDR, LBJ, JFK, Harry Truman – now, here were lusty, zesty men, seething with vital hormonal secretions. These were men of action. Doers. Democrats! As your president, I look forward to deeply satisfying each and every last one of you! God forgive us all! Thank you!

[ waves and salutes crowd ]

[ dissolve to SUPER: “Democrats Do It” ]

[ fade out ]

Submitted by: Rebecca Green

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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