Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Episode 3
76c: Eric Idle / Joe Cocker, Stuff
Baba Wawa
Baba Wawa…..Gilda Radner
Baba Wawa: Hewwo! This is Baba Wawa, hewe to say fawewell.
Uh.. this is my wast moment on NBC, I want to wemind you to wook fow me along with Hawwy Weasoneh weeknights at 7 o’cwock.
I want to take this oppohtunity to apowogize to NBC. I don’t wike weaving. Pwease twust me, it’s not sowuh gwapes, but, rathaw, that anotheh network wecognizes in me a gweat tawent for dewivering welevant news stories with cwystah cwahity to miwwions of Americans. It’s the onwy weason I’m weaving. Weahhy.