Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Episode 7
…..Gilda Radner
…..Garrett Morris
Announcer: And now, Gilda Radner speaks out for Chroma-Trak.
Gilda Radner: My hair… is red! My eyes… are blue! My scarf… is yellow! The people at Chroma-Trak paid me a LOT of money to tell you that my top… is green!
[ cut to Garrett Morris watching in his living room, confused that the colors Gilda describes don’t match what’s on his TV screen ]Garrett Morris: Green?!
Gilda Radner: My belt… is black! My gloves… are brown!
[ Garrett frantically begins to twist the Tint knob on his set, making Gilda turn a variety of other colors and shades ]Garrett Morris: I just paid $600 for this thing…!
Gilda Radner: My bracelets… are orange…
[ Garrett flips the set off, then on again, while yelling at it ]Gilda Radner: … purple… yellow… brown…
Garrett Morris: I don’t see anything!!
[ Garrett begins to smack the sides of his TV st, causing Gilda to jump around inside the image ]Garrett Morris: $600!! $600!!
Gilda Radner: “Live, from New York, it’s Saturday Night!”