SNL Transcripts: Dick Cavett: 11/13/76: Puppy Uppers/Doggie Downers

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 2: Episode 7

76g: Dick Cavett / Ry Cooder

Puppy Uppers/Doggie Downers

Joy…..Gilda Radner
Jill…..Laraine Newman

[ Jill is visiting Joy, whose dog is lying like a lox on the living room floor. Joy throws a ball at the dog, but he just stares at it as it rolls by. ]

Joy: Gee, Sparky’s been acting dull and listless lately. I just don’t know what’s wrong with him.

Jill: My dog Skippy used to be like that.. until I found out about.. [ reaches for box and pulls out a puppy upper ] ..Puppy Uppers. Puppy Uppers pep up your pooch, plus, they help control his weight.

[ Joy feeds Puppy Upper to Sparky ]

[ ripple dissolve to Sparky rolling over, doing back flips, leaping about, and acting speedy ]

[ SUPER: “Later That Day” ]

[ close-up of Sparky jumping up on Joy ]

Joy: Maybe it’s me, Jill, but I’d say Sparky’s perked up a little too much.

Jill: No argument there, Joy. When my Skippy gets too frisky, what I do is give him these.. Doggie Downers.

[ Jill holds up a box of Doggie Downers, then hands it to Joy, who is still being bothered by the frisky Sparky ]

Joy: [ reading label ] Doggie Downers.. mellows out your mutt. Hmm.. I’ll try them. [ feeds Sparky a Doggie Downer; he collapses ]

[ SUPER: “Later That Day” ]

[ ripple dissolve to Sparky lying like a lox on the living room floor, box of Doggie Downers in the shot ]

Jill: That’s Puppy uppers for when your dog’s like this. And.. [cut to replay of shot with Sparky jumping on Joy, box of Puppy Uppers in the shot ] ..Doggie Downers, for when your dog’s like this. From Hound-Doze.

[ dissolve to woman in audience, with SUPER: “Deodorant Not Working” ]

SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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