SNL Transcripts: Ralph Nader: 01/15/77: Baba Wawa Talks to Herself

 Saturday Night Live Transcripts

  Season 2: Episode 11

76k: Ralph Nader / George Benson

Baba Wawa Talks to Herself

Baba Wawa … Gilda Radner

[Despite her pronounced speech impediment, broadcastjournalist Baba Wawa sits in an easy chair andaddresses the camera.]

Baba Wawa: Hewwo! This is Baba Wawa! … I’mspeaking to you tonight from my home which you all sawon my wast special and weawwy wiked awot — wemember?… We took a wittle tour of my pwace and you got tosee some of my weawwy intewesting personal bewongings– wike a miwwow, a cwock, and a wittle wump of coal…. Pwetty engwossing. I thought so, too. That’s why,for my next special, instead of wasting time withextwaneous pewsonalities wike the Pwesident of theUnited States, the whole show’s going to be about onetewwific pewson who I weawwy wespect — me!…

Instead of talking to cewebwities, I’ll be talking tomyself. It’ll be fwee, fwank, weal and weveawing. …I’ll be taking you back to my apartment and you’llhave a ware opportunity to see some of my favowitetwinkets, incwuding my wings, my wugs, my dwapes, mypwants, my wecords, my wipsticks and my twue waisond’etwa. … Also – also, my wange, my wadiator, mywadio, my wecord pwayer, my waincoat, my nasalaspiwator, and my best fwiend, Wita Taywor….

Now, a wot of people thought my wast pwogwam waspwetty cwummy. Well, this one’s twuwy cwammed withcwever wevewations, wapport and wepartee. … So tunein to “Baba Wawa Talks to Herself.” It should bepwetty tewwific. …

[Applause and a SUPER that reads BABA WAWA TALKS TOHERSELF as we pull back and fade out.]

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SNL Transcripts

Author: Don Roy King

Don Roy King has directed fourteen seasons of Saturday Night Live. That work has earned him ten Emmys and fourteen nominations. Additionally, he has been nominated for fifteen DGA Awards and won in 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.

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