Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Episode 11
76k: Ralph Nader / George Benson
Baba Wawa Talks to Herself
Baba Wawa … Gilda Radner
[Despite her pronounced speech impediment, broadcastjournalist Baba Wawa sits in an easy chair andaddresses the camera.]
Baba Wawa: Hewwo! This is Baba Wawa! … I’mspeaking to you tonight from my home which you all sawon my wast special and weawwy wiked awot — wemember?… We took a wittle tour of my pwace and you got tosee some of my weawwy intewesting personal bewongings– wike a miwwow, a cwock, and a wittle wump of coal…. Pwetty engwossing. I thought so, too. That’s why,for my next special, instead of wasting time withextwaneous pewsonalities wike the Pwesident of theUnited States, the whole show’s going to be about onetewwific pewson who I weawwy wespect — me!…
Instead of talking to cewebwities, I’ll be talking tomyself. It’ll be fwee, fwank, weal and weveawing. …I’ll be taking you back to my apartment and you’llhave a ware opportunity to see some of my favowitetwinkets, incwuding my wings, my wugs, my dwapes, mypwants, my wecords, my wipsticks and my twue waisond’etwa. … Also – also, my wange, my wadiator, mywadio, my wecord pwayer, my waincoat, my nasalaspiwator, and my best fwiend, Wita Taywor….
Now, a wot of people thought my wast pwogwam waspwetty cwummy. Well, this one’s twuwy cwammed withcwever wevewations, wapport and wepartee. … So tunein to “Baba Wawa Talks to Herself.” It should bepwetty tewwific. …
[Applause and a SUPER that reads BABA WAWA TALKS TOHERSELF as we pull back and fade out.]
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