Saturday Night Live Transcripts
Season 2: Episode 22
76v: Buck Henry / Jennifer Warnes, Kenny Vance
Samurai B.M.O.C.
Secretary…..Gilda Radner
Jamal…..Garrett Morris
Dean Bynam…..Buck Henry
Samurai…..John Belushi
[ open on interior, Dean Bynam’s office, as his Secretary enters and approaches Jamal at the desk ]
Secretary: Uh — I’m terribly sorry for the delay. Dean Bynam will be with you in a moment — it’s just that he’s performing a live sex act onstage. Alright? Uh, you don’t mind waiting a little bit, do you?
[ he nods his head No ]
Secretary: [ she chuckles ] Excuse me.
[ the Secretary exits the office, as Jamal waits patiently ]
[ finally, Dean Bynam enters ]
Dean Bynam: Sorry to keep you waiting. Just finishing my cottage cheese. [ he takes his seat behind the desk ] Now, uh — what can I do for you?
Jamal: Dean Bynam? We DEMAND that there be an end to racist hiring practices! We want our OWN all-Black Student Union, and we insist upon an increase! Uh — in funds allocated for Afro-American studies! Now, do you dig?!
Dean Bynam: Yes, I do, Keith.
Jamal: That’s Jamal!
Dean Bynam: Oh, Jamal. I’m sorry, yes.
[ Buck Henry misses his next line, as Garrett Morris shifts his eyes and waits for his cue ]
Jamal: Then, WHAT, may I ask, do you propose to DO about it?!
Dean Bynam: Not a thing!
Jamal: Well, if that is your answer, man, then the Organization of Afro-American Students will CONTINUE its occupation of this administration building until these demands are MET!!
Dean Bynam: Jamal, let me explain something to you. It’s been FIVE years since your group seized the administration building. [ he stands ] Am I right?
Jamal: Yeah!
Dean Bynam: During those last five years, haven’t you noticed the construction activity going on across the quad? You know, the bulldozers, the cranes?
Jamal: Yes. Yeah, I have.
Dean Bynam: What you saw, Keith… going up… was our new administration building —
Jamal: Jamal, man!
Dean Bynam: Jamal. Sorry. That’s our NEW adminstration building. It was going to be the new Afro-American Student Union Building, but when your group occupied the administration building, we decided to CHANGE the signs!
Jamal: [ as the shock sinks in ] In other words… our group has seized what’s now the old administration building…
Dean Bynam: And has been for the past five years. That’s why your list of demands has been given such little attention lately.
Jamal: Oh. Okay… I can dig that…
Dean Bynam: Alright. so, if you’re still interested in those demands, I suggest you take over the new administration building, and then we’ll talk.
Jamal: You have an idea.
Dean Bynam: [ answering the phone ] Hello! Yes, honey. Yeah. I’m having an exceptionally rough day… [ to Jamal ] That will be all.
[ Jamal makes his exit ]
Dean Bynam: [ into the phone ] No, there’s one last student that I have to see.
[ his Secretary enters ]
Secretary: Uh — uh — the student is here now. Here’s his file.
Dean Bynam: Thank you.
[ Secretary exits ]
Dean Bynam: [ into the phone ] It’s some, uh, senior that I can’t allow to graduate. I don’t know — a Big Man On Campus who’s in for a real surprise. Yeah. Yeah, it’ll be another one. Okay. Alright, I’ll see you later. Bye. [ he hangs up ]
[ Samurai Futaba enters the room ]
Announcer: And now, another episode of… “Samurai Big Man On Campus”.
Dean Bynam: Take a seat, please.
[ Samurai grunts as he polishes an apple on his kimono and offers it to the Dean ]
Dean Bynam: That’s very nice of you, but, uh — take a seat, and let’s get right to the point.
[ Samurai grunts as he sits ]
Dean Bynam: Alright. Frankly… as Dean of Monroe College, I cannot, in good conscience, permit you to receive a degree from our school.
Samurai: [ with a grunt ] Hmm?
Dean Bynam: Yeah.
[ Samurai grunts a series of excuses and explanations ]
Dean Bynam: Absolutely not! I’ve heard it before. I’ve heard the explanations, I’ve heard the excuses…
[ Samurai grunts another excuse ]
Dean Bynam: I know you had mono — that’s no excuse.
[ Samurai grunts a series of further excuses and explanations ]
Dean Bynam: Listen, I’ve dealt with your kind for quite a long time, and you’re all fun and games. That’s all you seem to care about.
[ Samurai grunts with a “Big deal!” gesture ]
Dean Bynam: Alright, you’re still not convinced? Let’s look at the record. As good ol’ Calvin Coolidge said…
[ Samurai grunts a correction ]
Dean Bynam: Oh, you’re right — it was Al Smith. He did say that. [ looking at Samurai’s record ] I see you’ve been a busy man for these past four years: you were President of your dormitory, a member of the Debating team, the Future Nurses of America, uh, you ran the sushi concession at the home basketball games, and were a member of the Yuong Republicans. Very impressive.
[ Samurai gives himself a hand cheer ]
Dean Bynam: Your grades are another story.
[ Samurai clears his throat and offers more excuses ]
Dean Bynam: No, no, no. No, no.
[ Samurai grunts a rambling excuse ]
Dean Bynam: What did you say? That’s ridiculous!
[ Samurai grunts ]
Dean Bynam: Yes! But you MAJORED in Biology, and you FAILED CHemistry, Physics, and Calculus!
Samurai: Oh?
Dean Bynam: As a matter of fact, the only course you did well in was Organic Chemistry, and that’s the toughest course we offer. EVERYONE fails that, and you got — you got a “A” in it. You took it with Ms. Bennett, no less, a really tough cookie of a professor. How did you manage that with Ms. Bennett?
[ the Samurai slides his sword in and out of his sheath ]
Dean Bynam: I’ll have to talk to Ms. Bennett later… Uh — well, that does explain it. Now, let’s look at your record.
[ Samurai slaps his hands together ]
Dean Bynam: Alright… you failed Asian Studies. That’s the easiest course we give! I mean, just being able to identify the continent of Asia should be able to give you a “C” in that course!
[ Samurai grunts at Dean Bynam ]
Dean Bynam: YES!
[ Samurai asks permission to identify Asia ]
Dean Bynam: Of course!
[ the Samurai whips out his sword, and gives a violent swipe in the direction of Dean Bynam’s globe. He slices off the side of the globe and hands it to Dan Bynam. ]
Dean Bynam: Yeah. That’s Asia, alright. Alright, we can change that to a “C”, I guess. [ he makes the change ] But, uh, a “C” will not give you a passing average. I’m sorry, but I’m gonna have to notify your parents. That’s my decision.
[ Samurai panics, and begins to grunt for mercy ]
Dean Bynam: Yes. Yes, I’m sorry. Your grandfather will have to know. I suppose — I suppose they were probably very strict with you?
[ Samurai grunts and displays a bent-back finger on his hand ]
Dean Bynam: I understand. But I’m telling you there is NOTHING I can do! I MUST fail you! You CANNOT graduate!
[ Samurai whips out his hari-kari sword and presses it against his stomach ]
Dean Bynam: Ooooooh, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Alright! Alright. Alright, you can graduate. If you’re willing to go that far, I can allow you to graduate. But you do understand this is not going to be easy. I’ve got to convince the Academic Credits Committee.
[ Samurai grunts and waves his hand ]
Dean Bynam: Well… it shouldn’t be too hard. After all, the President is an old fraternity brother of mine.
[ Samurai grunts in surprise ]
Dean Bynam: Oh, yes. I belong to a fraternity.
[ Samurai grunts proudly ]
Dean Bynam: You were in a fraternity? Really? Which one?
[ the Samurai jumps to his feet, whips out his sword, and swipes three times at the top of the rolled-up curtain along one window. Dean Bynam rises, pulls the curtain down, and reveals the fraternity symbols slices into the curtain. ]
Dean Bynam: Ahhh! Phi Delta Watashi! Listen, this is incredible! We’re brothers!
[ Samurai grunts with excitement ]
Dean Bynam: Absolutely! Look! [ he grabs a pillow ] Here’s the Phi Delt pillow!
[ they perform their fraternity handshake ]
Dean Bynam: You remember the yell? The fraternity yell?
[ they perform the fraternity yell together ]
Dean Bynam: This is incredible! Alright, you CAN graduate!
[ Samurai grunts with excitement ]
Dean Bynam: Yes, indeed!
[ Samurai throws the fraternity pillow into the air, then swats it with his sword. He reaches down to retrieve his morterboard and places it on his head. ]
Dean Bynam: Congratulations!
[ they shake hands and freeze-frame ]
Announcer: Tune in next week, for another episode of… “Samurai Big Man On Campus”.
[ camera rises into the audience, and zooms in on unsuspecting woman with SUPER: “Finally Fell In With The Right Crowd” ]
[ fade ]